"Netflix and Chill"

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"Is the Netflix ready?" Paul asks Danny as you walk downstairs to the basement together.
"It will be soon," he sets the pizza down and heads over to the TV. You sit down on the couch, and Paul takes a seat right beside you. You curl up to him and lean your head on his shoulder. He leans his head onto yours and puts his arm around your shoulder, holding you close. Danny uses the remote to flip the TV on. Paul reaches for a blanket and you curl up underneath it. "This is perfect," you mutter, closing your eyes.

Danny's phone rings.
"Oh uh ya mom... Really? (sigh) Ya ya, fine. Give me a few minutes."

You and Paul look up at Danny. "My mom says that I need to get her some groceries that she forgot to get at the store for a dinner we are having tomorrow with our relatives... She wants me to grab them for her. I'll be back later. Probably not, I mean...See you tomorrow, Paul?"

"You're mom's so funny," Paul said. "Text me."

Danny grabs several pieces of pizza and attempts to start eating them as he walks away.

"Byeee," you call out to him over your shoulder. He waves.

Once he is gone, you and Paul grin and blush.

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