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"It's getting chilly," you shiver as you walk on Paul's left in the dark streets, lit with flashing lights and colourful neon signs. Cars stream by.
"Here," he pulls you close and puts his arm around your back, smoothing his hand up and down creating a little friction.
"Thanks," you feel like you're in a dream. You DO know you are walking down the streets of your city on a cold night IN THE ARMS OF PAUL ZIMMER?! You can't breathe. Your teeth chatter and Paul pulls you closer. Finally you step inside the hotel lobby and he lets go. "Better now?" he asks.
"I'm fine..." but your teeth are still chattering. You both go into the elevator and you lean next to him. He doesn't say a word the entire time but he kisses the top of your head and puts his arm back around you for the entire time.
At last you reach the floor. It is 8:00 now. You follow Paul to his room and he unlocks his door. Danny is sleeping in an armchair in front of the TV playing Titanic. On the table are a bunch of snacks. The couch in front of the TV is the only other place to sit, so you sit down. Paul rips a big blanket from the bed and hands it to you as you are still shaking.
"This will help," he smiles and you take the big comforter and lay it on your lap. Paul sits beside you under the big duvet.
"Thank you so much... this is the best night I've had in a long time," you say.
He just blushes and lets you curl up beside him. You feel your head begin to nod. You hope he will wake you up in time to go. You lay your head on his chest and you feel his arm around you stretched out, and his hand on your side. You are in a daze. You can smell his cologne. You can hear his soft heartbeat. You can feel his skin on yours. Maybe someday you will taste his lips.

Not Just Another Fanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें