Reluctant Departure

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When you and Paul had walked back indoors, Danny was still sleeping so Paul drove you to the theatres. Right now he is parking and walking you inside before your mom sees.
   "I'll give you your sweater back now," you begin to remove it.
   "Keep it," he says. He links arms with you and walks you into the theatre lobby.
    "Are you going to be okay here by yourself?" Paul says.
    "Yeah..." your voice trails off.
"What's wrong?" Paul sees a tear slip down your unblemished cheek. He wipes it away.
"Promise I will see you again?" you say worriedly.

He tells you he is going to stand off to the side somewhere else and stick around to make sure you make it to your mom safely, since it's close to midnight in a big city with creepy people on the streets. He kisses your forehead before he walks away. At 11:50 your mom comes inside and picks you up. You cast Paul a longing look and he attempts to make a heart with his hands. (Which he couldn't, and you know he never could.) You giggle and walk out with your mom.

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