Lucky Girl

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You find Paul looking in the shoe section, of course. He's completely addicted to shoes. Danny is looking at sweatpants and you walk over to the women's section, looking at some sweaters and cardigans that look cozy. You pick up a cute baggy burgundy sweatshirt that says "Wanderer" in a font that looks sort of like Lord of the Rings writing in the movies. There's a thin sketch of mountains beside the word. You think its cute. You have wanderlust (the desire to travel and go on spontaneous trips to anywhere, really.) You make your way back to Paul.
"Found something?" he looks up at you.
"Ya, I was going to buy this sweatshirt."
"You going to try it on?" he asks.
"That would probably be smart, actually..." you laugh.
"Okay well Danny and I are done looking around, so we'll wait for you just outside the change room."
"Sure!" You go and ask the cashier to unlock the fitting room for you. You remove you T-shirt once inside, and slip on the comfy sweater. You step outside the room to see Paul and Danny.
"How does it look?" you ask, turning around slowly as you look down at it and then back to the mirror, trying to make a decision. Paul just smiles.
"He likes it," Danny fills in for Paul. Paul blinks. "Oh! Ya... it looks perfect on you..."
You blush.
"Okay I'll be one sec. I think I will get it then, it doesn't cost too much."
In not too long you have paid for it and are heading on your way to the next store. Danny sees the food court ahead. "Guys, I'm just gonna get a burrito, I'm starving... I'll meet you by Hot Topic in five."
  "Go ahead," you say.
"Hot topic? Where's that?" Paul looks around. It's just ahead on your left. You both walk over and sit on a bench in front of the store.
"So what's new?" He asks you.
"Nothing much. Same old routine. I have a band performance on Monday... I'm kinda nervous."
"I'm sure you'll do fine," he smiles and looks at his feet suddenly. "You know... I really missed not seeing you."
You are at a loss for words. Your face burns red and you look away.
"I'm sorry," he comments because you do not reply.
"No- I just- I am shocked. I never thought this would actually happen."
"This?" he questions. You know he wants to know what 'this' all is. If I like him, if I want to be more than friends. He wants to know what we are, and what I want us to be...
"You, wanting to be with me like I want to be with you. I'm a lucky girl..." you say timidly.
"I'm the lucky one. There are a lot of potatoes... but you're a sweet potato..." he starts laughing at his own joke. Suddenly you are laughing with him and you can't stop. He is so cute.
Danny walks up. "What the heck is going on." he saw you both laughing as had walked up. "Do I have something on my face?" he wipes his mouth and throws out his burrito wrapper at the garbage by the bench.
"No..." Paul chuckled. Danny rolls his eyes and walks into Hot Topic.

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