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Six months later, you, Paul, and Danny are hanging out on a regular basis now. One afternoon, you are spending the time in Paul's basement. The doorbell rings upstairs. "Do you mind getting that?" he asks and hands you a twenty-dollar bill. The three of you are home alone. Danny is using the washroom upstairs, and Paul is fiddling with his lighting stand.
"No problem," you walk upstairs and answer the door. It's the pizza delivery man. You hand him the $20.
"I suggest you open the lid right away, ma'am," he tells you. You look at him strangely, but smile. "Thank you," you close the door. Setting the box on the counter, you wonder why it's so urgent to have it opened. You pull up the lid. You are surprised to see the pizza shaped as a heart and a note written on the box in sharpie.
"You can have more than a pizza my heart; you can have all of it! Will you be mine? -Paul"
Your stomach churns with excitement. You are overwhelmingly ecstatic! Leaving the pizza behind, you scramble downstairs and swing your arms around Paul, and give him a big kiss. "I love you!!!" you exclaim.

"I love you more!" he has the dorkiest, biggest grin on his face and he laughs and squeezes you tight and kisses you again.

Suddenly there is a loud POP! right over your head. You watch random confetti flutter around you and you realize Danny is back. He randomly starts dancing around the basement. "This is a major occasion!" he laughs. You laugh. Paul laughs.
"The best day of my life is today," you tell him.
"Awwww!" Paul blushes.

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