My Beautiful Baby

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Abnormal amount of dark hair

On her head.

Wide, grey eyes

Staring up at me.

Her laugh makes me smile

And cry.

She is my pride--

My joy.

The way she teeter totters

When she walks...

Soon she will be running,

But that is much too soon.

She'll be talking soon

Saying, "I love you, Mommy."

And she'll have a brother, too.

Even though he's younger than her,

He'll be the one to protect her

As they go through

Their high-school years.

They will love each other.

They will hate each other, too.

But they're siblings; that's what

They do.

It's thoughts like these

That make me cry.

Having this stupid syndrome...

It may cause infertility.

I may never get that experience

Of having children of my own to love

And hold.

To kiss

To hug

To teach

To learn from.

Yeah, there are treatments

But there's always that huge possibility.

I can only hope I've found this syndrome

Before it's too late.

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