Chapter 2

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I open up my school bag to find a timetable. Telling me exactly where I need to go. The hallways are empty and quite. Proving that I'm either early, or very late. I got lost on the way to school because I didn't have anyone to follow here.

Class has already started by the time I get there. I got lost a few times. But when I walk in I see 1 empty seat at the back. Next to light. Who is staring directly at me.

I sit down awkwardly and grab a pen and some paper. I feel Lights eyes glare into my skull, I try to look like I can't tell. But its actually really distracting.

I still can't believe I am here. I am currently sat next to Light Yagami. As unsettling as he is being, I can't help being excited being in his presence.

Light spends the rest of the lesson glancing at me every few seconds. So as soon as the bell went, I couldn't have been happier to leave. I quickly bran my bag and rush out of the class, hoping to avoid light as much as possible.

I check my phone and see that it's Friday today. Great I have the weekend to relax for a bit and to figure out this new life of mine.

"Hey!" Even in a busy hallway, I can't help but hear what he's saying loud and clearly. Light stood behind me, one eyebrow raised. "You left this"
He hands me back a pen.
"This wasn't mi...."
"What's your name?" He smiles kindly at me. "Mines Light. Light Yagami. You just moved in next door to me."

"N...nice to meet you too. My name is Astrid" my voice is slightly shaking, Knowing I'm having a conversation with a serial killer.
"Nice to meet you Astrid"

"Right...uh I'm going to go now, I have another lesson. See you later" I say quickly before walking away.

Lights POV
"Who is she? Why does she know about the notebook?" I'm getting frustrated, I can't have a risk of anyone knowing I'm Kira. How did she know about the deathnote?
Ryuk starts laughing.
"Why are you laughing?"
"You will find out soon enough"

It's been 7 months since i picked up the deathnote. And I still need to find L. And to add more pressure onto me, next week I have the entrance exam for college in a few weeks

But if that girl knows about the deathnote it could either be a great advantage or a horrid disadvantage. I just need to find out which one.

Astrids POV

I go straight home afterwards. I can't risk bumping into Light again without having a plan. I can't have no plan and know who Kira is. It can put me in danger.
"Hey honey, why are you home?" Says my mum as I walk into the house.
"I'm not feeling too great"
"Then why don't you go get some rest, okay sweetheart?"
I nod and walk upstairs into my bedroom. I grab my laptop from the side and load up the Internet.

The first word I type in is kira.  And it's there, so much information about him. But I am the only one to know his true identity.
The main thing i need to focus on is finding L.
Then I remember. He is currently staying at this hotel near me. I research directions to the hotel and find that it's a 10 minute walk from from where I am.

I go onto the hotels website and hack into the system. Room 534 is the only room that is taken and that does not show a name. It must be him.

Ever since I arrived in the world this morning, I've known I wanted to get myself involved with the Kira case, I want to bring justice to L. I am smart enough to get myself in contact with L without putting myself in danger. I am smart, I know how to hack, which is a good start, I'm also good at deducting and finding the answers I need. I just hope I'm good enough to defeat Kira with no more deaths occuring.

I quickly close my laptop and grab a piece of paper and a pen and I start writing.


You may not know who I am but i know you. I am not sending you this to threaten you.
I want to help with the kira investigation. You may think that I am just a pointless fan of kira but I am not. I know information that you will take forever to find out. Like that the second kira is Misa amane, I know you already suspect her but she is the second kira. I can not give anymore information out right at this moment but I hope you take my offer into consideration.

If you ever want to keep in contact, put a reply on the back of this letter by next Saturday and at 11:00 make sure note is behind the big flower pot by the cafe that is near your hotel.


I finish writing and I put the letter in an envelope.

Shit, the way that I wrote that, I'm turning into Misa. Careless and stupid.  Oh well. It's not like I can get arrested for sending a letter.

I decided to put the letter Q afterwards because that is what I am going to call myself. It's like L, or N. I'm Q, it doesn't stand for anything, I just need a code name.

I put on a thick black baggy jumper and slip the hood over my head making my face hidden.
I grab the envelope and open my bedroom window. I learned gymnastics and karate as a kid so I think I'm prepared. I jump out of the window and land on my feet quietly.
I open the back gate and run onto the street. Bumping into someone on my way. And obviously it had to be light.
"Hey what are you doing?" He asks. He was walking back from school.
"What makes you think I'm doing something? I'm just going for a walk" I snap at him, I can't risk him seeing this letter.
"I was wondering....would you like to go out for some coffee sometime?" He asks, smiling at me.
"Hey I really have to go, I will see you later" I lightly jog off. Not needing extra time with a murderer

When I arrive outside the hotel I take a deep breath. And take a step in.   The elevator was filled completely so I had to take the stairs. To the top floor.

When I reach the very last step I collapse in tiredness. I slowly lift myself up, breathing heavily. I walk towards the only room on this floor. Room 534 , L's room.

Knowing he was on the other side of the door made me terrified. If I messed this up, then this was the end of it all, I couldn't ruin this.
I place the letter on the floor, knock on the door, and RUN!!!

"Watari, what's at the door?" I ask, looking away from the screens of lights bedroom.
"A letter sir" he says handing me the envelope, I open it and start to read.


"Was there anyone at the door?" I ask.

"No sir, just the letter, what's it about ?"

"Someone wants to work with me"
"Oh so just the usual then ?"
"No, this is different. They know things. They aren't demanding me. They actually have information. But we need to be careful. This could be kira's work. But, if not. We need to do some investigations on Misa amane"
"Misa amane? Why her ?"
"This letter says she is the second kira. Can you do some research on her while I keep my eye on light yagami.?"
"Yes sir"

Who is Q ?

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