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Artemis stood in Wally's trophy room and stared at Cheshire's mask. She was deep in thought thinking about Jade and her father. How if the team ever found out about her family they would surly kick her off. What would Wally say?! He of all people would never let her live it down.

"You know you aren't anything like her right? You aren't like any of them." Artemis spun around to see Robin nonchalantly leaning in the doorframe.

"Uh... of course I'm not like Cheshire! I'm nothing like her! I'm a hero she's a villain... ya know... uh..." Artemis started stuttering but stopped when Robin started laughing.

"'Mis all I'm trying to say is that you are nothing like your dad or sister." He said smiling at her.

"WH-what I haven't seen dad in years... and... uh I haven't seen my sister either!" she said defensively.

Robin smirked "Riiight... well just know that whenever you finally are up to telling the team about Jade and your dad I'll be right behind you all the way. And I'm sure that the others won't think of you any differently. Heck if the team were to ever find out who I was they'd probably think I was some kind of spoiled brat. At least that's what everyone else thinks about me..." he said sadly.

"Oh Robin no! I'm sure no one thinks you're spoiled! I mean I don't... and none of the team does either!" Artemis said to cheer him up.

Robin gave a small smile "Thanks 'Mis but you would think differently if I were actually to tell you... well how did we get talking about me?! Just remember I'm there for you when you tell them. You're not like your family. You're own person and you deserve your own chance to prove yourself."

Artemis just gapped at him while her mind figured out what he had said. "How did you know? I-I didn't want anyone to find out..."

He smiled "I'm the protégé of Batman of course I figured it out!" before she even realized what he was doing he ran up to her and took a selfie. "Looks like we'll have another thing to laugh about some day!"

Before she could get over her shock he ran out of the room and disappeared into the shadows. "No... it can't be... Dick...?"

"Could Dick Grayson actually be Robin? No! That's impossible! Grayson's a spoiled brat he couldn't be..." she stopped. "Spoiled brat... No! It can't be!"

From down the hall she heard a distinct cackle.

"It can't be!!!" she yelled. She looked back at Cheshire's mask and smirked. "Looks like you were wrong Jade here we're all for one and one for all." While she was caught in thought she missed Robin smiling sadly at her from the doorway.

(A/N - hey guys! so this is the second to last chapter! yaaa! I have loved writing this story for you guys. next chapter is going to be really special. I hope you like it. stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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