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Aqualad sat on his bed staring at a framed picture. The picture showed him standing next to Tula with their hands laced together. He still couldn't get over the fact that his two best friends had betrayed him.

All of a sudden his door burst open. (He could have sworn that he had locked it...) Robin came running in then quickly slammed the door behind him. He bent over trying to catch his breath. Aqualad raised an eyebrow at him but he just held his hand up for him to wait.

Robin's breathing finally slowed down a little and he turned back to Aqualad still a little out of breath. "Hiding- from Wally." He finally got out.

"And of all places to hide you choose my room?" Aqualad asked.

Robin shrugged "Kid Destruction, heavy on the 'Dis', already demolished my room. Artemis would shoot me if I even dared enter her room; Connor would probably dislocate my spinal cord, I would feel awkward going into Megan's room, and me going into Wally's room is what started all this. So your room was the most logical decision."

Aqualad frowned "What did you do in Wally's room?"

Robin smirked "Took one of his snacks." ya that would have done it. Robin slowly opened up the door and checked both ways. "Ok I think he's gone. Thanks Kaldur. Oh and by the way there are plenty more fish in the sea."

Aqualad frowned "What significance does the amount of fish in the sea have to do with anything?"

Robin smiled "Just look it up online. Well I'd better get going before Wally figures out where I am. But don't worry we're all still your friends." Before Aqualad could ask him what he was talking about he had sped out of the room running down the hall. Seconds later yelling and the sound of breaking glass could be heard. Looks like Wally had found Robin. Well hopefully that would teach him not to seal Wally's snacks anymore.

Aqualad chuckled to himself as he stood up and closed the door. He then went over to his computer and turned on Google. He typed in 'There are plenty more fish in the sea definition'. The first thing hat popped up was Google's definition.

1. Used to console someone whose romantic relationship has ended by pointing out that there are many other people with whom they may have a successful relationship in the future.

Aqualad smiled. Robin might have been the youngest one on the team but he always knew just what to say. Aqualad couldn't wait till the day that he could take over as leader. He had been happy to take on the responsibility until Robin could handle it but he had always known that it would one day be Robin leading them. Robin was right. Tula had only been the first person he had had a crush on. And like the saying goes... There are plenty more fish in the sea.

(A/N- hey guys! :) sorry it's been so long since I updated this. I'm going to try to update next Saturday and then again the one after that. then we'll be done. feel free to fill my inbox with hate mail if I don't update on time. remember... stay whelmed and feel the aster! next up... Artemis!!!)

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