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Robin was currently doing flips on the trapeze when a steaming Superboy walked. He was so mad that he didn't even realize Robin was there. He walked straight over to the punching back and punched it half way across the room. (Might I add this is a punching bag made especially for Superboy out of pure Titanium!) ya he was made.

"'Your landing could have destabilized the entire bridge.' He says. 'We don't yet know the limits of your powers.' He says. Maybe he could help me figure them out!" he then punched a hole in the wall.

Robin let go of the lowest trapeze and flipped down to the ground silently. He must have been angry if he hadn't noticed Robin yet. Robin walked over to his back pack on the other side of the room and took out a note book and a pencil. He quickly drew a sketch then tore the paper out. Superboy finally spun around and saw that he wasn't alone. "Wh-Where did you come from?!"

Robin just smirked and pointed to the still swinging trapeze. He walked over to Superboy and taped the sketch to the wall in front of them. "Light it on fire." Robin ordered.

Now Superboy was confused "What?"

Robin smirked and stood on his tippy toes trying to get in Superboy's face but failing. "This is training soldier and I told you to light that paper on fire."

Superboy frowned "And how do you expect me to light this poorly drawn picture of Superman on fire?"

Robin mocked hurt "I took a whole five seconds on that poorly drawn picture of Superman thank you very much! And for as how you light it on fire you're gonna use your heat vision. Duh!"

Superboy scowled "I. Don't. Have. Heat. Vision." He clenched his fits.

"Have you ever tried?" Robin smiled innocently.

"Well... no..." he looked down at the ground.

Robin smirked "Then we'll just have to find out if you have it or not." Robin flipped to another page in his note book. "Then after that we can test freeze breath, faster than a speeding bullet, and leaping buildings in a single bound. Oh and we can't forget the memory loss kiss!... you know on second thought let's skip that last one. That could get kind of awkward having to kiss someone over and over again."

Superboy looked at him questionably "Are you trying to train me?"

Robin nodded "That was the main idea yes."

Superboy smiled "Thank you."

Robin smiled "No prob Supey. No I need some water but when I get back you better be glaring up a storm at that picture!" and just like that he left leaving Superboy to glare at the picture.

(A/N - hi! Next I'm think Aqualad then Artemis and lastly a very special chapter!!! :) Only I'm gonna make you wait to find out what it is! :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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