Chapter 5: Back to Normal

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The Diclonius beamed. "Nyu home!"

Yuka's eye twitched. It wasn't so much the fact that Nyu was clinging to Kohta again, it was that her breasts were rubbing up against him. And Kohta was certainly aware of that if his expression and blush were anything to go by.

"Hey, Nyu," she said, "Kohta and I are talking privately. Can you go play with Nana for awhile?"

Nyu blinked and looked at Kohta, obviously reluctant to let him go.

Kohta gave her a smile. "Go on, we're almost finished here."

Nyu pouted. "Kiss first!"

Both Yuka and Kohta's mouths dropped. "What?" the latter asked.

"Kiss first. Kiss first, Kohta."

She closed her eyes and waited with a big grin on her face. Kohta glanced nervously at Yuka, waiting for her reaction. Yuka glared at him for a moment before sighing and tapping her cheek. Kohta nodded and gave Nyu a small peck on the cheek.

The Diclonius was more than happy with it, and looked up at him with her eyes shining. "Nyu happy!"

"That's good." Yuka replied. "Now go play with Nana."

Nyu nodded and ran from the room. "Nana, Kohta kissed Nyu!"

Trying not to feel jealous, Yuka turned back to her cousin. "Real sweet. Now, go on with your story."

Glad she hadn't hit him for showing affection for Nyu, Kohta continued. He ended with Lucy telling him what she was and going off to her death.

"But she didn't die." Yuka finished for him. "Then… where's she been all this time?"

Kohta shrugged. "I don't know. And talking to Nyu about it is useless. All we can do is wait for Lucy to come back."

Yuka eyed him suspiciously, noting the far off look on his face. She still had one more important question to ask him. "Kohta…" she hesitated, "how do you feel about Nyu? Or rather, how do you feel about Lucy?"

Kohta winced. That was a very good question. One not even he, the only one who could possibly answer, had an answer to. What were his feelings towards Lucy? Did he like her? Hate her? Love her? Was it even possible hate someone and love them at the same time?

"I… don't really know." he said honestly. "Lucy and I have a very… complicated past."

Yuka's eyes narrowed. Was he still keeping something from her? "Kohta, what are you not telling me?"

Kohta shook his head. "I can't tell you anymore. It's not my place. If you want to know anything else," he stood up, getting ready to leave. "You'll have to ask Lucy personally."

"Wanta, slow down!" Mayu cried cheerfully as her little dog dragged her. "I thought I'm supposed to be taking you for a walk." Wanta doubled back and began jumping around her feet. Mayu smiled and bent down to pet him. "I know, you're happy about Nyu coming back too, aren't you? I know, isn't it great? Our family is whole again."

Family, just that one word could bring great happiness, or great sorrow. Mayu knew the best of both worlds, and that wasn't exactly a good thing. She remembered how happy she and her parents were. Life was good, and they enjoyed being together.

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