The forest

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Four teachers of Hogwarts fly far above the forbidden forest. Hannah and Nilesy fly side by side on broomsticks, while Duncan and Kim follow on their wings, Duncan with fairy-like wings and Kim with Dragon-like ones. Before Nilesy can even ask where they are going, Hannah starts flying downwards towards a clearing in the trees, and the other three follow. She hops off her broom, carries it on her shoulder, and confidently walks down a narrow, tree lined path, not even making sure her friends were following.
"So, what was on that list Kirin gave you?" Duncan asks.
"It looks like a bunch of items for a complex spell or potion, but I'm not sure, it's not my area." Hannah replies.
"If it's a potion I could probably identify it, could I have a look?" Nilesy suggests. Hannah nods and hands him the list, and he reads it intently.
"This looks a lot like the recipe for a Mopsus potion, but with a few elements added in, probably to strengthen it by the looks of it." He says.
"It's probably to help find those Horocruxes." Duncan thinks aloud.
"Even so, this potion is pretty complex. I'm not even sure if it would work, some of the stuff on this list I've never heard of, let alone seen used in potions." Nilesy elaborates.
"So you know where all that stuff is?" Kim asks. Hannah looks back at them and smirks.
"Yep, it's right through here." She says. She reaches what looks to be a dead end in the path, a large tree trunk blocking the way, and she points her wand at it. She says,
"Mobiliarbus." And the tree slides aside, revealing a cave. She walks down into it with the others apprehensively following. After a few minutes of following the tunnel, guided only by wand light, Hannah draws back a curtain of vines and steps into a large stone room with dirt and grass on the ground. In the center of the room is a pool, somewhere between the size of a puddle and a small pond, but instead of water there is a shimmering purple substance leaking white fog. Surrounding the pool are several flowers, saplings, and mushrooms.
"Woah!" Kim exclaims. "What is this place?"
"It's a portal to the twilight forrest." Hannah explains. "Kirin keeps it top secret, only he, Simon, and I know about it. He wants to protect the portal from greedy wizards who would colonize it and make the magical creatures living there less safe."
"Why you and Simon?" Duncan asks.
"Because he's the gamekeeper, he knows every nook and cranny of the grounds, and I only know because I always substitute for him when he's away."
"So the stuff on that list is through this portal?" Kim asks.
"Yep, well some of it, most of it is probably in the potions room but some of the things on that list can only be found through here."
"Well, no time like the present! No time to spare and all that!" Kim says enthusiastically. She lifts herself off the ground with her wings and flies headfirst into the portal.
"Kim, wait!" Duncan shouts, flying after her. Hannah and Nilesy laugh and fly through on their brooms. Once on the other side, it takes a moment for them all to adjust to the natural beauty of the forrest. Behind them is a forest of towering trees the height of skyscrapers and mushrooms of a similar size, a sparkling river flows beside them, with deer gathering at its banks, and before them are rolling hills and a breathtaking sunset, obstructed only by a complexly beautiful castle, with tall spires and twisting stairways visible even from a distance.
"Wow." Kim says simply. Duncan sighs and says,
"Yeah, wow..." They stand in silence for a few moments, taking in the glorious view, before Hannah clears her throat and says,
"Right, so, hand me that list again, will you?" Nilesy quickly shakes his head, coming to his senses, and hands her the parchment. She looks over the list and inspects her surroundings, looking for their next course of action.
"Right..." She says. "It looks like the closest item on the list will probably be in the forest."
"What are we looking for?" Duncan asks.
"Torchberries. They're yellowish-white and grow underground so we need to find some sort of crevice or cave. Don't damage them when you find them, the berries will set fire if they're squished or broken." She explains. The four of them head into the forrest, trying to stay on task and not get distracted by the abundance of flora and fauna.
"What are those little guys over there? I've never seen one before." Kim asks.
"Those are Pesh, they're a lot like goblins but less stuck up." Hannah explains.
"And those little blue ones?"
"Oh, those are Kobolds, stay away from them. They're a lot like house elves with the attitude of a pixie."
"Haha, noted." Kim chuckles. She looks by the river and sees a group of deer and walks over to them, with Duncan following bemusedly. The deer, never having seen a human before, walk to her as well and she laughs gleefully as they meet. Hannah chuckles at the sight, but her attention is torn away by the sound of Nilesy yelping, followed by a loud thud that scares the deer off.
"Nilesy?" Hannah shouts with concern.
"Down here!" His voice answers from a hole in the ground the others had missed. The three peer over the edge of the hole and see Nilesy laying on his back about three meters down, readjusting his glasses and patting dirt off of his shoulders.
"Having fun down there?" Hannah jokes.
"Oh, hardee har!" Nilesy replies, rolling his eyes. "I'll have you know I'm having a wonderful time!"
"Well, good job finding a hole!" Duncan says.
"More like the hole found him." Kim chuckles.
"Hannah, didn't you say Torchberries were kinda yellow?" Nilesy asks.
"Yeah?" Hannah leans over the edge, peeking her head into the hole and sees a cluster of yellowish-white berries hanging from the ceiling on green stems.
"Oh! Great find, Nilesy!" She congratulates. Nilesy picks himself off the ground with a smug look on his face while the others carefully hop into the hole, Hannah with berries in hand.
"Well, thats one item off the list, but we might want to pick up a few more just to be safe. And while we're down here, we should look for Liveroot, it's mostly brown with bright green veins." She says, while walking off down the cavern with her friends in tow. Above ground, perched in a tree are a man and woman, staring at the hole the group had just gone down. The man turns to the woman and says in a deep voice,
"Do you know the plan?" The woman giggles, then before his eyes she morphs into a familiar form. Her height decreases, her hair grows rapidly and turns dark, and her arms are overtaken by swirling purple markings, as is half of her face. She turns to look at the man with one brown eye and one milky white, and says,
"Sure thing, boss!" The man lets out a sinister bark of laughter, then turns his attention back to the hole. He, too, changes his shape, becoming taller with broader shoulders. His hair turns blonde and untamed with tufts of hair growing from his chin. His face and arms blossom with swirling purple marks and his eyes turn a similar shade.
"Run while you can, Professors." He chuckles. "But you can't run fast enough."

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