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Chapter 36: Eid 

Quote of the Day: "Happiness is finding pleasure in the worship of Allah (SWT)." ~Abdulbary Yahya

In Islam they are only two holidays, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha; any other holiday has no value on the side of Allah (SWT). We as Muslims tend to forget about the importance of Eid and instead focus our attention on frivolous trivial things such as birthdays and western holidays like Valentine's Day or New Years. But this is wrong. Allah (SWT) has legislated these two days of celebration for us. During these two days, we are to celebrate and celebrate rigorously; these two days should be celebrated better than any two other days.  

I'm talking about big blow out HALAL parties, decorations, food and for the ladies, Henna!!!!

The Etiquettes of Eid 

- The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), used to bathe on the day of Fitr. So it is sun ah to bathe before going to the Eid prayer.  

- The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would also eat an odd number of dates before prayer on the day of Fitr but not eat until the slaughter on the day of Adha.  

- You are to beautify yourself on the day of Eid. You are to wear your BEST clothes; this dies not necessarily mean you have to go out and by new clothes this means that you are to wear your clean clothes. Remember, in prayer you stand before Allah (SWT), there are some brothers who simply pray bare-chested even if they have nice clothes, this is not right. You are in front of Allah (SWT) wouldn't you want to look your absolute best? 

- Even though you are to look nice on the day of Eid, men are not allowed to wear gold and silk clothes. A man who wears gold and silk in this life will be deprived of them in the next life because the people of Jannah are adorned in gold and silk clothes.  

-We have ordered to wear perfume by the Prophet Muhammad; to remove any offensive smells and orders from our body. In his time, if people came to the masjid and ate raw garlic and onion, they would be thrown out--because their odors would cause people to suffer.  

- On the day of Eid, you are also to be glorifying Allah (SWT) by saying the tambour if Allah: 

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar 

La illaha illalah, 

Allahu Akba, Allahu Akba, 

Wa lillahil hamd.

Another important issue during Eid is Eid prayer. Some people spend thirty days of Ramadan in passionate worship, then when Eid day comes around, you will not find them in Eid prayer because they are too busy dressing up and partying. This is wrong on so many levels. Coming out of Ramadan your supposed to have changed and become a better person. Why would you shed all that and return to your previous habits? That only means that you haven't benefitted at all. So don't be like that, come to Eid prayer, you are supposed to celebrate but that is no excuse to forget your prayers.

Now Eid prayer, EVERYONE is commanded to come. In stone cultures, the men leave behind the women and go to Eid prayer. I can personally tell you of a case, last Ramadan, when this girl told me I was too extreme, EXTREME, for going to Eid prayer.  

Think about that, extreme for going to Eid prayer. 

Well she and anyone else who think that are wrong.  

The Prophet commanded the believers to take the young women to the Eid prayer. The young women, the virgins and the menustrating women all should be brought yo Eid prayer. Even the women who can't pray are to come, so that they may witness the goodness of Islam.  

So my dear sisters, anyone, ANYone who keeps you from prayer is not worth listening to, because you have been COMMANDED by your Prophet to go. 

Ramadan is drawing to an end, and it wrenches my heart that it must go, that it may not come back next year. I pray that you have all pleased Allah during this merciful month, and you have all benefitted as a result. Our month of training is over, now I hope that each and everyone of you put the lessons and skills you've attained to good use.  


Eid Mubarak!

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