I looked at his face and I saw him wince slightly, he was still unconscious which was a good thing for now. I was on high alert at this moment, I’m sure we were far away from city hall to not be caught but you couldn’t be too sure. I was still on the n after and I’d be damned if I got caught. I’m lucky I got all of them out, the special forces was swarming the place and it was by pure luck I got them out. My ears perked I heard someone shifting and moaning slightly. I lifted my head up slowly, my wings flapping out of habit. I really loved having them out and not hiding them.

I did what I could for Dante’s wounds, tending to the worst of them the rest was slowly healing. He was lucky he had Angel blood within him. I had carefully tucked his wings back, trying not to hurt them. I found myself staring down at his face, he really was quite handsome when he wasn’t scowling. I gently reached my hand out and brushed away the stray pieces of his hair away from his face. His eyes were scrunched up tight and I wondered what he was thinking of.

I sighed and leaned back against the tree, I had placed everyone in an almost circle. They were all still passed out but I noticed Seth stirring slightly. I reflected back on what had happened, they were setup it was definite. Somebody had tipped the humans off and it was all planned, all staged, half their rebellion was dead, the other half catered off to the facilities. Those that were left would have to go into hiding possibly, stay away from their families if they wanted them to live. They would be lucky if they could go to school.

I was getting involved again, like I usually do. Although this time it was much, much worse than previous times. This time I felt as if I had a connection to this place, like I shouldn’t leave, call it instinct I suppose. I heard a loud groan and my eyes moved around the clearing my body half limp. I watched as Seth sat up, his body swaying slightly as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

He turned his head, his eyes sweeping over me but not really registering. As if on cue his head snapped back right to me and his eyes widened as he blinked them furiously. He rubbed at them and tilting his head as he got a look at me.  

“Am I dead?” he asked slowly as he crawled towards me reaching his hand out. Now just because I saved him didn’t mean I was going to have come magical liking to werewolves all of a sudden. I grabbed his hand just as he reached it out, my small fingers barely wrapping around his wrist. I pushed it away as I flapped my wings noisily.

“You’re not dead Seth,” I said calmly, sitting up straighter as I stared at him, my head tilted to the side. He looked at me again, his mouth agape and his eyes widened as he pulled himself closer to me, sitting crossed legs as he stared at me in wonderment. I smiled slightly at that.

He reached his hand out again but stooped, his voice wavering as he spoke, “But, but you’re an angel.”

I nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders, he still looked at me, his face scrunched up in confusion. He wiped his hand over his face and winced as he moved his shoulder a bit too much, he suddenly stopped and sniffed in my direction.

“You smell like honey and vanilla, the same scent I smelled the other day. You were with us in that room, weren’t you?”

I nodded my head slowly, the truth was out I couldn’t exactly hide the fact that I was an angel anymore. I just didn’t feel like explaining to him right now then repeating myself yet again later for the others.

“Look I’ll explain later ok? I’m not exactly in the mood to explain it five times over for everyone else, wolf. I’m exhausted,” I said softly, stretching my back slightly and my sore muscles screamed out in the process. He nodded and continued to stare at me in awe. I cleared my throat  and gave him a pointed look, she sheepishly smiled and looked away.

Finding Angels Wings|Discontinued|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें