Finishing touches

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I don't own PJO! PS to avoid confusion I may start using AJ or Arty or Alpha for Artemis Jackson who's point of view this is to avoid confusion in the future. Posted on 3/20/16

Artemis PoV
I watched as Harm started on Percy's makeup. She put in Cocoa brown contacts and left his hair alone color-wise for the moment, but did manage to tame his hair, which looked like it had never seen a brush before. I chuckled. I had to admit we did look like twins. Well, minus hair color/style. My hair is naturally silver and is spikey, but I tame it every day so I don't look any more punk then I have to with my ear and eyebrow piercings. Though the eyebrow one is hidden by solid mist, courtesy of Reyna. I subconsciously touch them making sure that they're still they protecting me from the effects of silver. I look at a picture of us, just starting to become famous. The Godling wolf pack. The original name of our band before we got discovered and had to change it for the sake of our image. The Godlings still fits us, but not as much as Wolf Pack. 'And done.' Harmony said snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over and smiled. Now we looked different. His once sharp-ish Diamond shaped face, was now rounded out and thanks to some special effects makeup, his eyes seem a different shape too. She dyed his hair silver then covered it with special wig. It was also part of a bald cap so it looked shaved on the sides of his head but still had decent amount of hair, though was still very mangy. I saw Zoe and Luke come out. They now looked like brother and sister which they'll probably be playing. Zoe now had dirty strawberry blonde hair that was tucked into a baseball hat, her eyes once dark as night were now a nice forest green. Luke's hair was styled differently as well and now looked less trouble-maker like and more Prince Charming. Of course one of the biggest changes was their skin. Their California worthy tans were now pale and looked like they spent more time indoors staring at a computer than outside! Percy's skin tone was paled far less dramatically but it had to match my own for the switch to work. She hands him shoes with hidden lifts to make him seem 4 inches taller than me. 'Okay, guys...' She trailed off as she glanced at the door. Her eyes widened. She grabbed a stink bomb and threw it at the ground. It smelled like moldy pizza wrapped up with sweat pant during a heat wave. My eyes started to water as everyone made a mad dash to the door. Angel and Jack got there first, opened the door and threw themselves out of there. Knocking down a girl who was about to knock on the door. 'Ow! What the...' is as far as she got before she started gagging at the smell. Everyone kept coughing. 'Okay, *cough* who knocked over the stink bombs?!' Harmony choked out, her voice very hoarse. If I wasn't coughing and if She wasn't here, I'd be complimenting her on her quick thinking. The others don't have any plan about not being found out by Annabeth other than disguise. No names no backround no nothing! Since we would no doubt recover first it won't seem weird when we answered for them. We were sitting down on the roof of the concert hall, after being hosed off. The others were set, as were we, for Mt. Tam. All of us smelled so disgustingly human, no monster will realize what we are until we reveal. 'So who are these people?' Annabeth asked, curiously. 'The contest winners, of course!' Angel said. 'I meant names.' Annabeth deadpanned. 'Oh this is Chloe and Lucas James, and...Peterson, Jack Peterson, and you are?' Percy said interrupting Reyna. He wink and wiggling his eyebrows at Annabeth, in such a way that even a stupid, boy-crazy girl wouldn't find attractive. 'Not interested.' She said, not amused. Harmony came over. 'Ok the cleaning crew will be here in a few minutes but it's going to take 4 to get the Bus cleaned, so how about we go sightseeing. Wanna join us Annie?' She asked. I could literally see Annabeth resisting the urge to strangle her. 'Actually if you have some free time maybe I could show you Mt. Tam.' She said faking a smile. 'Sorry Annabeth but our guests aren't really dressed or prepared for a hike like that. Plus, we need our strength for the show tomorrow. Which reminds me, you should probably know we're going to need and 10-15 minutes to change and get our makeup off. And no we can not just go anyway because A) I refuse to make my debut there while wearing more makeup than insecure clown and B)...' She trailed off, taking out her phone, 'these are the outfit we'll be wearing for the grand finale.' She said showing her the picture. Annabeth's eyes widened. 'I completely understand.' She said nodding before leaving the area. Once we knew it was safe, all of us let out the breathe we had been holding. 'Come on, let's quickly go sight seeing and head back. Kay?' We all nodded and headed out.

~Time skip~

When we got back it was pretty late. I was nervous but knew we all understood the new plan, which was that I would stay with Luke since he didn't know how to work all of Penny's special controls. Now all we could do was to pray that things go Percy's way for once since he has the worst luck sometimes. I closed my eyes and soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
Word count: 998

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