When I Screw Up

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"That'll be a ten."

I nodded and reached into my pocket to pay the cashier.

"Ten? What'll be a ten?" Tyler yelled into the phone and startled me.

The money I had taken out from my pocket slipped and fell down, the cashier frowned - there was a huge line behind me.

Smiling at him and holding up a finger, I squatted down and picked up the money on the ground.

"Em, you better tell me what 'ten' we're talking about."

"We're not talking." The cashier raised his eyebrows at me. I shook my head and tried to point at the phone in my other hand.

The money fell again. I cursed, bending down to pick it up.

"Em, you better tell me what you're doing." Tyler said.

"Would you shut up a minute?" I said into my phone, clutching the money with my hand for dear life.

The cashier started looking agitated, his face turned red.

"Ma'am are you going to keep holding up the line?"

"Ah. That's it, isn't it? You're in a grocery store, buying food." Tyler yelled.

"Yes, what's it to you if I do?"

The cashier narrowed his eyes, someone behind me said something about me being a 'little bitch'.

It took me a moment to realize what just happened.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that." I apologized to the cashier.

"Just pay and go, or step out of the line." He said.

I nodded and dropped my money on the counter. I had so many coins in my fist that it made a clattering noise, probably annoying the hell out of the twenty middle-aged moms behind me.

"You said sorry? You actually said sorry? Since when do you apologize for being mean to me?" Tyler demanded.

"Hey! Do you mind hurrying up? We're trying to get our shopping done here." Someone shouted.

"Shut up will? I'm trying to count." I said to Tyler before I mentally slapping myself.

"Bitch." The person loudly proclaimed.

I cursed again.

"Hey man, watch your tongue." Someone in the crowd actually stood up for me.

"Em, you should really watch your mouth. It isn't good for a young lady like yourself to use such foul language." Tyler teased, this probably would've gotten a laugh from any other day, but I was too flustered with counting my coins to pay for the coke and the bag of barbecue chips.

"I'll say whatever the fuck I want." I hissed into the phone.

The cashier continued turning red by the second.

"BITCH." The same person proclaimed again, this time, no one supported me.

I huffed and pushed the last coin into the cashier's hand.

"You almost got me murdered." I told Tyler, watching the now slightly calmer cashier count the money.

He just laughed.

"Asshole." I muttered, making him laugh even more.

The cashier turned glare at me. I mouthed a 'sorry' and pointed to the phone.

He nodded and threw my purchases into a bag and handed it to me.

I nodded a thanks and walked out as fast as possible.

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