A slap in the dark

Start from the beginning

A few drinks later Jack said his good byes to me and Chloe. I stood up and gave him a tight hug. "I promise I will come and visit for a few days soon" I nodded as we pulled apart. Seth and Chloe headed to the bar. Jack slid a peace of hair behind my ear then placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. He only did this with me. Not meaning anything, we just was this close as friends. We had no feelings for each other at all. He left the bar and I sat back down. It was suddenly even more awkward. Dean and Marie we're sucking faces as I sat looking at my phone trying my best to ignore them. Every now and again I looked up towards Seth and Chloe to see if they had been served yet. The bar was now packed. I sighed out knowing I would be waiting a while for their return. "I need the ladies room" Marie smiled getting up and leaving us alone. I continued to tap away on my phone now playing candy crush. I could feel Deans eyes on me. "You and Jack seem close" He suddenly piped up. I didn't remove my eyes from my phone and nodded. "So do you and Marie" I thought out loud. I hid the fact I didn't mean to say that. I heard him laugh at me. "Jealous are we?" I shook my head no. "Why would I be. I don't need any man and I certainly don't need you" I snapped. Was I jealous? I was coming across that way. Dean smirked at me staring me down. I still didn't look up then he snatched my phone from me. "Excuse me!" I snapped demanding my phone back with my hand. His eyes caught mine, he had a look in them. I couldn't read it but it made me feel very small under his stare. "Anyway, she seems nice. When did you meet her?" I now said in a normal tone. "We have been dating on and off. We just got back together today" I nodded and folded my arms over my chest and looked into the crowd at the bar. Dean fiddled with my phone as he watched me. "I hope it goes well for you both" I added, I didn't really mean that though. 

My eyes suddenly caught another mans eyes stood at the bar. I looked away and then back and he was smiling checking me out. I ignored it and looked down to my lap. "Miss me?" Marie smiled as she sat back down. Seth and Chloe sat down with our drinks moments after. Dean slid my phone under the table to me without anyone noticing. I was relieved to have my get away back. I hated being the third wheel here right now, especially when the man who obsessed over me was sucking face with some bimbo who was much more than I felt I could ever be. "So back to mine then?" Chloe smiled once we finished our drinks. I looked up at her as she waited for my reply. I nodded agreeing as myself Seth and Chloe got up. I refused to look over at Dean and walked right out the bar. "We can continue the party at mine" She smiled as we headed back down the street. An hour later I was feeling very merry, not wasted but enough to make me relax and have fun. Chloe was having a party, I had no clue till people started showing up. I was talking to people I knew when I felt eyes on me. I looked around to see the same guy from the bar earlier smiling at me. I smiled back to be polite, he took that as a signal to come talk to me. " You must be Cassie" He smiled. I nodded. "I know Chloe from work, she has told me all about you, Sam" He introduced himself. "I hope she said only good things" I added trying to act casual. "Oh you met her already!" Chloe came across. I looked up at her confused. "I thought you two would hit it off straight away, he would take your mind off you know who so I invited him. Be nice and give him a chance" She whispered in my ear. I nodded not really bothered either way right now. He was talking to Seth while Chloe started telling me a few things about him. I looked him up and down and decided he was actually pretty hot. The more I looked the more I liked. But I wasn't like this really. I didn't like meeting guys while drinking. I didn't want to pull a Chloe and regret it later.

"So you two have fun, I shall see you in a bit" Chloe winked at me leaving us both stood alone. "You want another drink?" 

Chloe's pov

My plan was going great. Just an hour ago I introduced them both and already they was dancing together, laughing. I knew Cassie was drunk but this would help her take her mind off that jerk. I didn't know what he was playing at bringing that girl to the bar naming her his girlfriend. What a prick! "He's here!" Seth whispered to me pointing towards the door. I looked across and immediately felt pissed. Dean! And that whore. He hadn't noticed Cassie with Sam yet. We had to make sure nothing kicked off. Not that he should care with bimbo on his arm. 

You don't own me (A Dean Ambrose fanfic smut)Where stories live. Discover now