chapter five | phone calls

Start from the beginning

"Is that what Aziel tells you?"

The twenty five year old frowns, grabbing her keys from the hook that they hang on behind the counter. "What do you mean by that?"

"He could be regularly attending detention." Reina suggests while slinging her purse over her shoulder.

Jelena chuckles. "Believe what you want, Garcia."

"I plan to, Elias," is her cheeky response.

Jelena flicks her arm goodnaturedly and twirls her keys around her finger as she waits for Reina to close up. Aforementioned woman slams the door closed and locks it. The twenty five year old leans against the graffiti splattered brick wall of the alley way and stares at her boss's shiny black sedan.

"That's a pretty nice ride," she nods in approval of it.

Reina turns. "Huh?" Then she follows Jelena's gaze and smiles a little. "Oh, my car."

Jelena chuckles. "What else would I be talking about?"

Her boss rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Anyways, thank you." They make their way to the car. "I got it as a birthday present my sophomore year of college."

Jelena whistles. "Nice." She waits for the doors to unlock. "I'm still saving up to get a car of my own. I'm really close too- just a little less than two thousand left."

The older of the two hums in agreement as she digs around in her purse for something. "It's a blessing and a curse, though. The amount of money that leaves my bank account whenever my tank is empty is enough to make me cry. You only have to pay a few cents or so every time you take the bus."

The twenty five year old shrugs. "That's true, but at least you never have to worry about what's happened on your seats whenever you get in your car."

"Well, in that case there's always the subway." Reina laughs and unlocks the car.

Jelena laughs with her and pulls the passenger door open. She drops her bag onto the floor and reaches over to close it. Once inside, she breathes softly in appreciation of the leather interiors. The waitress runs her fingers over the smooth black material.

Reina can hardly hide her snicker as she watches Jelena. "It's a lot of beauty to behold, isn't it, Elias?"

She sticks her tongue out at her in response. "Shut up."

Her boss flicks her forehead and adjusts the rearview mirror. "Yes, dear." She starts the car. "To James Monroe Middle School we go!"

"You do know where you're going, right?" Jelena deadpans as she turns up the radio.

Reina pulls out of the alley, checking both sides of the street for incoming traffic. "Of course- just show me where to go."

Jelena rolls her eyes and chuckles at this but gives her the directions anyways. She's just finishing up when she feels a slight vibration in her pocket.

She pulls out her phone, eyebrows pinching as she stares at the screen. It's a phone call from a number that she doesn't recognize.

Her boss cuts her a quick glance, undoubtedly seeing the twisted expression on her face. "Who's that?" She asks.

The twenty five year old shakes her head. "No idea."

Reina frowns. "Hm, why don't you answer it? You never know- it might be a long lost relative looking for an heir."

Jelena almost snorts. "As if I'm going to be getting any large quantities of money anytime soon. Don't make me laugh." She continues as she waits for the call to run its course. "I don't like answering the phone when I don't know who's on the other end. I haven't applied to any jobs recently, so why would anyone have reason to call me?" She huffs and twists a braid between her fingers. "And those telemarketers can suck my dick."

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