"Oh, I can't. I need to check the guy with the drinks, I can't talk to him." Taylor sighed. "But, Normani can go."

Taylor tapped Normani's shoulder with a bright smile.

"I don't, I mean I have to-" Normani stammered, but Ally cut her, screaming from inside the car.

"Come on, it's going to be fun!"

Lauren raised her eyebrow, looking at me. Despite the things being okay between the three of us, she'd rather not go out with Normani too often. But she would always go with what I decided, and I didn't really mind anymore. I didn't want to.

Normani wasn't a seven-headed monster and I didn't really know why Lauren made a fuss about her being or not who she appeared to be. She's cool, actually. Yes, I was changing my mind about everything, in fact and moving on.

"Come in, we still have time."

I said looking at Normani, she showed me a smile and nodded. Lauren got into the car and then she did the same.

"Okay, next stop? What do you got for me?" Dinah asked curious and excited.

"You mean for us?" Lauren corrected her and Dinah sighed.

"Today is officially my birthday, you don't have to have a title. Just shut up and enjoy."

"Dinah!" I scolded her, but all were laughing, even Normani.

"Ouch. That hurt even in me." she commented playfully.

"Okay then. Ally stop the car I'm leaving." Lauren said dramatically. "I know that secretly you all hate me."

"Aw, that's not true." I told her, taking her hand and interweaving our fingers.

Lauren pouted, a bit exaggerated, was lovely but very fake. She was the worst. I mimicked her but she rolled his eyes playfully.

"We love you, Lauren." Ally said, looking quickly at us. "But Dinah will give the orders."

Lauren sighed dramatically, but didn't complain anymore. Because that wouldn't end.

As we begin the "special day" a little later we wouldn't have time to make everything so we had to jump for the shopping time. Ally planned this part and I helped a bit since we were going to buy clothes for both. That would make them happy, at least Dinah.

Dinah loved shopping, it would be great, but Lauren kind of didn't care about that so I made her care. At least a little bit.

"No." Lauren crossed her arms after looking at the clothes in my hands.

"Try it, come on." I encourage her, waiting for her to get up from the chair.

"Okay, the truth." Dinah asked after leaving the dressing room. "I'm fabulous."

She exhibited the tight beige dress with a v-neck a bit daring even for her, but looked really good. The heels of the same color.

"That's the one I'm going to wear to the party!" she gasped while checking herself in the mirror.

"Yeah, that and all the other four you said the same thing." Lauren said with a laugh.

"Lauren, shut up and go try these." I said impatiently, holding her clothes in front of her. "At least the damn dress."

"Exactly, shut up and listen to your girlfriend." Dinah scoffed.

"Fine!" Lauren said through her teeth. She stared at me, but she would thank me later.

Normani left the dressing room next to the one Lauren had just entered.

"So?" she asked a bit taken back.

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