Part Four: Hyde House

Start from the beginning

"What? Really..." Zia's mind raced. She was in Lucille's families house. Of all the places she could go in Ickwall, this is where she ended up. Carmen could be the key to fixing this whole mess, she thought.

"Yes, she grew up here. Though she never comes around. I guess I had a hand to play in that. Ha. But I don't feel bad. She made her own life and we aren't part of life changes." She lit another cigarette and took a bite of a lemon cake. "Ya want some?" She extended her arm, holding out the remaining half.

"No thank you, I should get going. I'm supposed to meet your father before he leaves."

Carmen's eyes dropped, "Oh, alright. I know I'm a bit much to handle. If you have time, you can come and visit with me. I won't bite, no matter what Mom's told ya." She sighed and picked up the paper. "Go on, don't feel bad. I've got plenty to do." She tapped her cigarette in an empty teacup and waved Zia away.


"I'll come back when I'm done," Zia said as she closed the door. She stood in the hall for a moment, thinking of everything she had learned.

So...the Hyde's are Lucille's family. Why doesn't she ever come by. If I had a family, I would want to see them.

She trotted down the stairs and turned into the kitchen. A man sat at the table, tall and handsome. "Hello, I'm Felix. I'm happy to have ya in our home. Margo told me about yer situation. Why don't ya have a seat and some food? How was Carmen this mornin'?"

Zia slid into a chair as Margo sat a heaping plate of food in front of her. Her mouth watered and she felt a pang of hunger in her stomach. These people are so kind, she thought.

"Thank you! Um, she was great. She invited me in and I gave her breakfast and we talked about the paper and she said I could come back when I liked." Zia smiled as she bit into a piece of toast with blackberry jam, "This is so good, Mrs. Hyde."

Felix cocked his head and said, "Really? She must have liked ya. That's good, really good." He shot a look at Margo who was seated at the head of the table. "What did she tell ya?"

"That you are the President's family and Lucille doesn't come around much. I'm sorry. I didn't ask or anything, she just told me."

Margo shook her head, " Yer fine, dear. Don't worry. She carries on sometimes. Well, she was telling the truth. Lucy grew up here, ate breakfast where you're sitting now." She sounded proud.

"Wow..." That was all Zia could think of to say. And they call her Lucy?

Felix stood and put on his hat, "I've got to be running. Zia, I want ya to stay as long as ya need to. Carmen likes ya and I think that will help her. Also, Margo needs help around here."

Zia stood, "I don't know how to repay you, but I will work my hardest. Thank you, thank you so much."

"Don't worry, dear. Yer help is payment enough." She turned to her husband and stood on her ttoes to kiss his cheek, "Have a great day Felix. I love ya."

Zia grinned as she sat back down, taking a sip of tea. Her heart was full, she had never felt such love in a place. These people are good. What went wrong with Lucille? Why does Carmen seem so familiar?

Despite what she had learned, she loved Hyde House. It was comforting to be in the company of good people, people she could trust. Maybe I'll stay here for a bit, she thought.

Zia held a soapy sponge, scrubbing away the grime from one of the lower windows outside of the house. Her thoughts were deep as she plunged the sponge back into the bucket and squeezed. There has to be a way for me to get into Lucille's house.

She heard footsteps, then a shout.

"Zia," A man called.

Her stomach dropped as she turned. The menacing pair stood staring at her, a huge man and woman with a clunky prosthetic arm.

Run, maybe I can run.

"Are ya Zia then?" The woman asked gently.

She thought, they already know me by name. I cannot lie. "Yes, I am. How do you know me?"

"Yer friend Archie sent us," The man said, "I'm Roman."

"I'm Kora, nice to meet ya." The woman extended her organic arm and shook Zia's hand.

Zia felt faint. Maybe they are telling the truth. If they are willing to hep me, how can I say no? But if it is a trap...I'll just have to go with it.

"But, how did you get to him? Why did he send you to me? How did you know where I was?"

"We have our ways, don't worry about that. He said you're looking for someone and that is one of our specialties." Roman stroked his thick black beard.

Kora brushed a lock of fushia hair behind her ear, " We are on your side, you can trust us."

Well if Archie sent them...

"I need to get into Lucille's home and talk to my friend, Frida. That's all."

Kora snorted. "That's all? Shouldn't be too hard, right Roman?"

"Eh, we can figure it out. When do ya want to go, Zia?" Roman adjusted his over-sized coat.

Zia couldn't believe her luck, it was too good to be true,"Can we go tomorrow night?"

"Yes, I should have somethin' ready by then," Kora said, tapping her chin.

Zia looked at them in shock, she had been tricked before and was hesitant to trust them," Why are you helping me?"

Rowan smirked, "Honestly, maybe ya can help us one day."

"Me? How?" Zia's dark eyebrows flew up.

"We'll see how ya do tomorrow and then we'll talk. If I'm right about ya, you'll want to help us." Roman's voice was soothing and deep, like the rumbling of a thunderstorm.

Zia's heart pounded, she would have to take the risk.

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