words from the writer

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Here's the thing, this book is my passion and I want to talk about it nonstop. My story is a work in progress and your participation helps more than you realize.

Every comment is read, appreciated and merits a response. Every time my book is added to a reading list I am THRILLED. When you vote my little writer's heart skips a beat. When you leave honest and constructive feedback I truly appreciate the time you have taken to help me improve.

If you think about something you would like to share with everyone else reading, go for it with comments. If you have a question, ask away. If you feel like you needed more information at any point highlight where and leave a comment explaining what you need more of.

Now, if you particularly enjoyed a chapter or sentence or character, I would love to know why.

This is where I give my thanks.

To those of you who have read since I started, I give my thanks and an apology for frequent updates and minor tweaks.

To the readers who witnessed my fierce battle with procrastination (FEAR), I thank you for all of your patience and kindness.

To the writers of many comments, I thank you for the laughter and joy you have brought me.

To the wonderful writers who are helping me grow, I thank you for taking the time to notice and support a lowly amateur like me.

To the star clickers who vote, every one of those votes has brightened my day and let me know which chapters I was getting right.

To my family, friends, and loved ones who have to deal with me in person, I thank you for being gentle with me and putting up with my rambling about aliens and abilities and spaceships and character development and purple hair and pointy fingernails and the feel of metal and the scent of oil and how many rings a planet can have and how chloroform works and if...sorry I'm doing it again.

Make today the best day of your life!
-Laura Slate

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