Your not who I was hoping you we're

Start from the beginning

"Your gonna need a few things replaced on the circuit board" Seth piped in. "Ok let me grab my purse and we shall go" Chloe and Seth headed out. Leaving me and Dean alone. Fucking great. I was avoiding him to stop my feelings growing for him. I knew he was going to be bad for me. I didn't care if he was trying to change. But when he looked at me I couldn't help but get lost in him. "Now their gone I have something for you" Dean smiled reaching into his inside jacket pocket. He pulled out a black rectangular jewelry box. "Dean you didn't have to" i tried but he handed it me anyway. I looked down at the box and slowly opened it. A tear slipped down my face as shock took over me. How did he know? How did he find it? "I hope those are happy tears?" I smiled and looked up at him. Without thinking I dove into his arms and crashed my lips onto his. My eyes went wide and I instantly jumped back touching my lips with my fingers. "Oh god I'm so sorry" I worried. "It's ok. Anyway so Chloe was talking to Seth about when your apartment was broken into. I eased dropped of course. She said you was so heart broken about your aunt's one of a kind bracelet getting taken that you wouldn't leave your room for weeks. Well I did some digging and tracked it down for you. I also gave those twats a peace of my mind" He smirked. "You did that just for me? Your insane! It could have bee anyone who broke in here. You could have got hurt" "For you it's worth it" I inhaled sharply at what he just said. I never expected that to come from him. Wow the whole town would be shocked to hear him say the things he says to me. "Thank you" I wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled up at him again. "Your welcome" He smiled back. "Anyway. I have work to do so I shall talk to you later when I bring you a new phone" "Dean! Please don't. You've done enough already" I tried. To be honest I was worried it would be stolen. I still had trust issues with Dean's lifestyle. 

"Don't Cassie. You need a phone and banks can take forever to send new cards out. I need to know you have a way of contacting anyone if you need them" Contacting you, you mean I sniggered to myself. I knew not to argue with a man like Dean. I would accept for now and pay him back later when I got access to my bank again. He gave me a sweet gentle kiss on my forehead and left. I wrapped my arms around myself feeling a whole bunch of emotions after he kissed me. It made me feel happy. But I still had to be careful.

Three hours later

I sat waiting as Seth was saying bye to Chloe, he'd fixed everything. We just needed to clean up now. "You ok?" Chloe turned to me once she closed the front door. I nodded. She came to sit next to me. "What's that?" She puzzled pointing the the box that had slid slightly under my leg. I pulled it out and handed it her. Her eyes went wide the moment she saw it. "Did Dean buy you this?" "He tracked down the people who broke in, it's the same one". "Oh Cassie that is so sweet of him. He really likes you" She beamed putting the box back next to me. "So what's going on between you two?" I shrugged. "Do you like him?" I paused. I didn't want to be honest. I hated myself for allowing myself to form a crush on someone. I hoped that was all it was. "You do!" I dropped my head into my hands. "What do I do?" I whined. "You tell him and be honest about your feelings. I know he's not someone you can bring home to your mom and dad, your dad would murder you for dating someone like Dean. Point is though you can't help who you fall for. I was scared at first but you know what? Starting a relationship with Seth is the best thing I did" I looked up at her. "You guys seem really happy together" I smiled finally feeling the jealousy wash away. "About that. Can he move in?" I looked at her a bit dazed. "In here?" She nodded smiling sheepishly. "Chloe I am all for you guys getting serious but your fuck like hamsters!" I moaned throwing a pillow at her playfully. "Well we can get our own place. An apartment just became free down the street" I looked at Chloe as she waited for my approval. Who was I to stop her? It would be cruel of me to do so. "I think you should go for it" I smiled. She jumped onto me excitedly kissing me repeatedly on the cheek. I pushed her off playfully and we both laughed. "I shall get that apartment manager on the phone now before it goes. Seth will be so happy" She squealed excited jumping p and rushing to her bedroom to make the call. 

You don't own me (A Dean Ambrose fanfic smut)Where stories live. Discover now