This Is Not a Date (Reader!Civilian x Dean Winchester)

Start from the beginning

The diner was the one place where everyone usually hung out after school and on weekends. Dean drove you down Main Street as you stared out the window, observing how much and how little your town has changed. Honestly everything was the same, just a few new establishments had popped up here and there.

The diner itself did not change at all, you still heard the familiar bell going off when Dean opened the door and saw that same old table by the window where you and your friends used to sit.

"So what have you been doing? Besides travelling the world," Dean asked as you two sat down, menus in hand.

"Well I finished university, took me a bit but I finally got a degree in (Y/M)."

"You sure are going places, I bet your folks are proud."

But you were more interested in him, and after you finished placing your orders you decided to turn the conversation on him. "What about you? Did you ever go back?"

Dean fiddled with the ketchup bottle on the table, looking at you occasionally as he spoke, "Sorta. I got my GED."

You smiled, "Hey, that's awesome! What have you been doing since then?"

"Actually I've been travelling around quite a bit, kinda like you but I stay in the US. With my baby. Forget airplanes."

Your food came before you could continue the conversation and you weren't surprised at the amount Dean ordered. For the next few minutes you spent your time eating in a comfortable silence, which surprised you. Even though you haven't seen him in years and your relationship was never solidified, Dean made you feel comfortable. Your heart fluttered at the thought, causing you to stab down into your plate. Ugh.

Dean looked up from his plate with a confused but amused expression. "You okay there?"

"Uh, yeah! I just really like this. Quality, ya know?" you faked a grin and stuffed your face to pull your point through.

Dean laughed.


This isn't a date.

You repeated this to yourself over and over, even when you found yourself sitting on the hood of his car with his arm around you.

After eating, Dean decided to take you on a small tour of the town, visiting all the places from your youth. The movie theatre, the park, the library even though Dean wasn't a fan (but he knew you went there all the time), the small outlet mall off the highway, the candy store on the end of Main Street...and finally, the lake.

The lake was a frequent hang out spot for you and your teenaged peers growing up. It was a ways from town, perfect to get away from adult supervision and actually have fun. Even if fun simply meant swimming and having a few barbecues, nothing too out there. It was at the end of a few back roads on the edge of the woods, and it was special and serene in all of its isolation.

Except you were having an internal battle with yourself. Sure, Dean was just being nice. You said you were a little cold so he put his arm around you, no big deal. But he also could have just given you his jacket. He was obviously using this as a ploy to be more physical with you.

"Not much changed, you know," Dean said suddenly, staring out at the water and line of trees surrounding the edge of the lake. "I like knowing that no matter where I go and no matter how much shit I have to go through, I can always come back to this. Something familiar."

You nodded in agreement, glancing up at him just to catch a look of his face. He had such a wonderful profile. And gosh, he was so warm, you wanted to move closer to his side. At the moment you had some distance between yourselves even though he had an arm around you.

"It is comforting," you said. "How many places have you been to?"

"Quite a few, there's too many to count," he smiled, looking down at you. "Comes with the family business."

"Family business?" you asked. You never knew his family owned a business, let alone one that operated nationally. This news made you crane your neck up to look up at Dean, and suddenly you found your faces to be only inches apart.

Butterflies invaded your stomach and you knew you were blushing furiously. Could he see it? Could he feel your heart racing?

This isn't a date! you screamed to yourself, but, wow, was this situation not okay. How do you proceed from this? It wasn't helping that Dean was gently caressing your arm either, and then you realised that he had actually been doing that for a while now. You held eye contact for what felt like ages, but your mind was not helping you come up with any ideas on how to get out of this predicament.

"So uh, what's this family business? Is it like - - " you tried to continue the conversation, this was the whole reason why you looked up in the first place.

"(Y/N)," Dean said your name softly, in that deep and sweetly rough voice of his. God damn.

"D-Dean?" you said back. Why did he say your name, what was happening? His eyes were on your lips and then you knew what was on his mind. You started laughing nervously.

It must have been endearing, because Dean smiled and chuckled some before leaning back and returning his attention to the lake. Oh, the moment was over. You felt like you had been left alone in the cold. His arm was still around you, barely, but you felt a sense of disappointment. What? Did you want to kiss him after all?

This isn't a date, you told yourself again. But what's wrong with it being one? You couldn't exactly come up with an answer. All right, let's try this again.

"Hey, Dean?" you said, scooting closer to him, your sides finally touching. His warmth was returning like before and so were your butterflies.

He only got to turn his head towards you slightly before you leaned up, pressing your lips against his in a slow and sensual kiss. You weren't expecting the fireworks to go off in your chest, it felt exhilarating. Dean's grip on your shoulder tightened and you pulled him in closer by the collar of his shirt, never stopping.

He ran his free hand through your hair, holding a firm grip on the back of your head as he kissed you with equal passion. And just like that you were wrapped up in his arms and his affection, sharing a precious moment that was opening the door to other potentials. His lips were soft, his technique perfected. He knew what he was doing and you loved it.

A million thoughts ran through your head, like a movie of flashbacks reminding you of all the encounters and conversations you had with him since high school. All the times you had to repeatedly hide and bury your actual crush on him because it wouldn't be fitting for the valedictorian to date a drop out.

But none of that really mattered and you wish you had realised that sooner. This was what you wanted. Dean Winchester was finally yours and you were convinced that you were the happiest person in the world.

And if this wasn't a date before, it sure as hell was a date now.


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