Wild fo the Night (16)

Start from the beginning

"Hey!! I have color." I frown as he just laughs turning his attention back to Jacob.

"I thought Vampires don't get hungry"

"So what? Even though I don't get hungry, I love to eat."

"Eating is his specialty" Maxi mutters making him frown.

"Hey!! Where's the chocolate?!" Layla exclaims looking at Drew and I.

My eyes widen as I quickly lick my lips and fingers. " it's just so good." I mutter as Royal laughs.

"Drew, is it behind your back?" Maxi turns smirking.

"No, I ate it too."

"Are vampires addicted to chocolate?" Jacob ask raising an eyebrow.

"No, I just like it." Drew mumbles licking his hand.

"Now we don't have chocolate." Layla moans.

I shrug. "We could just roast the marshmallows. No harm in that. As for the gram crackers, pass them here and they'll be gone before you know it."

Royal smiles as the pass the bag to me. "You'll be sharing. They're my guilty pleasure."

"Glad you said so. I'll have to buy you lots of them." I smile as he smiles back kissing me. I love being around him. If this is the feeling I get around him all the time I don't want to let him go.

"We should tell scary stories." Drew suggested.

"No. No scary things." I tell him.

"Why? Vampire scared?"

"Oh very. You may not sleep and always be alert, but I don't have time for doing all that." he laughs shaking his head.

"One word. Two syllable." Drew said as we all gave him word looks.

I tried to think of something scary that had two syllables. Jason, Freddy. Texas Chainsaw, but that had more that two syllables so, that a no.

"What is it?" Royal ask.

Drew looks around the fire squinting his eyes. "hunters."

That gave him a collectible of growls and shudders. It wasn't talked about until needed too.

"They're crazy." I mutter and Royal pulling me closer to him.

"No more discussion. Look over there." Layla exclaims standing up.

We were brought to a humongous tree. Not just an ordinary tree. The limbs stretch like arms over the other trees. The truck was wide and thick.

"look at all these names." I muttered passing my hand over the names.

"yeah, the generations before us that lived on this land all have their names here." Maxi explains to me.

"Look dads name Kiki." Layla called as I walked over to her.

My father and Candice was together in a heart making me smile.

"It's so cute." Drew exclaims making me laugh.

"it's our time." Levi exclaims coming through the woods scaring me.

"Where we're you guys?" Jacob ask doing some handshake with them.

"We just came. We couldn't miss it when y'all carved yo name into this." Landon says smiling at me. His mate, Terry ran over to hug me.

"I can't wait. Then when the middle schoolers carve their names once their name in this, we'll be here." Maxi exclaims happily.

"You mean, we'll still be here?" I ask easing an eyebrow.

"you'll be here till the day you die sweetie." Layla smiled making Drew laugh.

"Who knows when she dies." He rolled his eyes. "She'll be living longer than her great great great great grandchildren."

"Alright Drew, shut it." Maxi mutters.

Royal wraps his arms tightly around me looking up. "You wanna carve our names up there?"

"yeah, let's head up."

He hoist me up as I put my claws in the tree bringing myself up and sitting on one of the arms. Royal appears next to me in matter of seconds smiling. I kiss him quickly as we turn to the trunk.

"You write your name first."

I nod carving my nickname he always calls me. He smirks carving in his.

"I'm glad I came here when I did." I said softly to him making his smile widen.

"I'm glad you did too." He pulled me closer to him as we kissed.

"Mark me." I whispered in his neck.

"you sure?"








Lmao I was just waiting to write this chapter

I was gonna go into detail of him marking her

But then I was like nah

I'm too lazy.

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