Chapter 5

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*Harry's POV*

The townspeople told us about a guy in a pink leotard with a car on, big square glasses and slight rabbit teeth. A bit of a plumb man, with an idiotic smile.

Not bad for a first description, I think we could work with it.

"He doesn't work alone though."

"No, he has at least 10 other people helping him."

"No, 20!"

"All of you are exaggerating! It's about 5 or 4 people helping him."

"Yeah, it's more the amount of people like your group."

"They aren't that strong though."

"Except one, the new kid. You shouldn't mess with him."

"But all of them are distractions."

We listened to the panicked voices of the people, who were actually making a lot of sense and were giving us really useful information. Something we hadn't expected before we walked into the room.

"The new one looks familiar, but we don't know why."

"All of them wear black leotards with a different colour belt. There's blue, red, green, yellow and orange. If I am not mistaken. Please don't hurt me when I'm wrong." The young woman trembled slightly and her lips started quivering. Petty little people.

"He said something about taking over London."

"About destroying you."

"He's never shown his real powers, so we don't know whether he is strong or not."

"Today 4 more people died of injuries that were inflicted on them by those men. I work in the local hospital and see the victims for myself. Most of them have burns on vital places, one of them actually drowned even though he never came close to the river. One of them was electrocuted."

"But that could have been you RadioActive Dude!" a man blamed me. Jerk! Rage filled my system.

"If you don't keep your mouth shut I will do so much more than kill you with my electricity! I will hurt you, make you suffer and beg for me to kill you. Understand!"

The man bows his head and nods silently.

"Have I ever killed anyone?"

People shook their head, all of them knew that wasn't what we were about.

"Good, now that we sorted out that I didn't kill that person, you can continue! But one more stunt like that and we are done listening!"

The townspeople kept quiet. Not knowing what to say anymore. All of a sudden their heads turned up. Everybody heard the loud noises filling the air. Stomps, steps, yells... the door flew open, banging against the wall. People started screaming, convulsing, floating, burning... Out of the blue chaos was created.

Thankfully the boys acted right away and for some reason Louis must have felt something was going on, because he burst in through the window. The people who were still unharmed tried to find a place to hide, there was no way escaping this.

The boys ran straight to the other guys in black. Dodging ever single attack and trying to get one of their attacks hit the right targets. A chuckle came from the back of the room and everything died down.

"Aaah, it's so lovely seeing everybody gathered here. What a welcome! Thank you thank you. You make me feel like a royalty."

People scrambled together, hugging others they had never met, keeping kids safe and quiet. Men and woman just lay there lifeless, others still convulsing from the electricity that was making it's way through their bodies. The men in black gathered round the guy in the pink leotard.

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