Chapter 1

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Working class at day, villains at night, that was the life according to the five young lads that lived together. All of them had boring jobs with no future, but were not willing to quit them any time soon. The good thing about their jobs was that it didn't cost them any effort at all, so they could put all their energy in terrorizing the people of London.

The boys didn't think they were that bad. Just scaring people to death, throwing them around in the air and then letting them fall to only pick them back up when they nearly crashed into the ground, they robbed banks and liquor stores. They still had morals though. Never scare or annoy little kids, when murderers or rapists are set loose attack them and make them leave the city. That's about it though. Oh, and always stick together. One for all and all for one.

The boys never killed anyone. No matter how bad they thought they were, they couldn't do it. They could not play god and they refused to either. How could you judge someone when you didn't know the full story. How could you tell that someone's life was more worth than any others. So when they tried to rid their town of filth and scum they just scared them in ever coming back.

If you asked people to describe the five lads, most of them would say: they are annoying as hell, a bit like Peeves from the Harry Potter books, but they are hot. So in short: hot but annoying.

The thing about the boys that nobody knew was that their powers were not coming from their suits, they were born with them. None of the boys ever regretted having powers. It was the best thing they could ever hoped for. It made them stronger, more confident and unfortunately more cocky. They would never admit that though.

Now who were these mysterious boys? How about an introduction.

Louis Tomlinson, the oldest one of the band, but also the most immature one. He has a fear of growing up even though he is only 21. He works as a drama teacher in the local high school. It's his first year there and despite the fact that he loves drama, he hates all his stiff and irritating colleagues who are all extremely ancient. At night he is known as Flying Doom. His superpower is flying, he also comes up with all their annoying plans.

Zayn Malik, 20 and bad boy at heart. He smokes, swears and has a thing for leather jackets. He draws cartoons for the Evening Standard. Zayn enjoys drawing, but when he feels like it. Being forced to draw in an office makes him go mental once in a while. At night he is know as the Smashing Humanoid. His superpower is inhuman strength.

Liam Payne, 19 and a perfectionist at heart. Although he is not the oldest, he really is the most mature. Liam loves terrorizing people but he will make sure that no one get's hurt or scarred for life. He is a gym coach, mainly specialized in boxing. It is there where he lets out his frustrations about the other boys he teamed up with. At night he is The Dark Crusader. He is trained in martial arts and his superpower is invisibility.

Niall Horan, 19 and at first sight the most innocent human being you have ever seen. But looks really do deceive. The boys are the most protective of him. He is one of the biggest bullies at night, but Niall will never hurt a fly. Punishment and violent attacks will be brought upon others  by his mates, because Niall really refuses to hurt others. He cannot find it in his heart to conflict pain. Taking part of pranks and destroying houses, cars and what not is his kind of fun. He works at Nando's since food is his second passion. Whenever you see Niall, you see food. Nando's being his favourite restaurant is a bonus. At night he is known as The Green Ladd. Telekinesis is his power and he could not be more happy with it.

Harry Styles, he is the baby of the band. He just turned 19 and is working in a bakery. He has fun with his co workers but he is not fond of all the cleaning he has to do. People would say that he is a ladies man but he knows better. He has a crush on a brunette guy with brown eyes for quite a while now but he never spoke up about it. It is his secret and his only. His superhero name is RadioActive Boy. His superpower is to conjure heat, energy and electricity  blasts and poison attacks. There is one downside to it all. Harry learned about his powers fairly late. At the age of 17 his family died taking their secret to their grave. When he burnt his house down after being upset about his loss he knew something was up. So when he found the other boys he still had to develop his powers. It happens more than once that he actually electrocutes one of his friends.

The boys all met through losing their families in a way. Louis family were sent away by him because he couldn't handle being a freak. He couldn't risk their lives when he was not able of controlling his powers. Not much later he found Liam who was sent out of the house for being strange, secretive and different than before. Both of them found a place to stay and not much later took Niall in. He moved from Mullingar to London when he found his parents murdered after a robbery. His brother has not been found until today. Zayn joined them about two months later. He hurt his eldest sister and couldn't live with himself so he ran off at night. He kept running for about three weeks before he met the three other boys. Lou, Li and Ni had developed a sense to find others of their kind, but it was kind of obvious that Zayn was one of them when he smashed right through the wall of a house. The four of them decided that if the only thing they could do was ruin every good thing they had, they just should have fun with their destruction. Every day they went to work and at night they tried to control their powers, practiced their fighting skills and of course did their chores. They learnt about dedication, devotion, punctuality and respect amongst themselves. About half a year later they found Harry crying in a corner of a abandoned street. The house was burnt to ashes and was still smouldering when they found him. His parents and sister died in a car crash and he was all alone in this world. The others didn't know how that felt because they all had their families save and well somewhere and even though Niall's parents were dead, he had never lost the hope of his brother being save and sound. They took Harry in, but in the beginning he didn't believe them. He called them freaks, weirdo's and insane.

After running away for a while he returned to the four other lads because too many strange things had happened. When the other boys showed their powers and promised him to help him develop and control his own he promised his allegiance to them.

The five of them became the best of friends and took care of each other. They made sure everyone went to work on time, because they needed the money. If one of them fell ill, the others took care of their daily chores, made soup and gave them the right amount of medication. Every Friday night they held a boys night, they would go out dancing or drinking or just go to the theatre. Yes, they were the best of friends, but they had to keep it that way and it was nice, because they would be the only one's out since the people stayed in, shivering at the thought of what these rascals were up to now.

None of them had boy or girlfriends. It's not that they didn't want to, but none of them wanted to give up the lifestyle they had. The boys were pretty sure that if they ever told their lover about their secret lives they would either flee or tell them to stop. It wasn't worth the sacrifice.

Harry was the only one doubting this decision, because him and Liam were in the same band and had the same lifestyle. He would never ask Liam to end it or to choose between him and his alter ego. He loved the precious brunette ever since he laid eyes on him. Well, he called it love, but he wasn't sure. He had never known love as in the love for a boyfriend, but what he felt was powerful. The way his books, like Romeo & Juliette and Pride & Prejudice, described love he knew he felt that somehow.

Harry was not stupid and naive although sometimes the others thought that he was. Or at least treated him that way, he noticed a certain blond Irish lad looking towards a brunette sassy guy with big loved up eyes. He was overly cheery when Ni was close to Lou. They always cuddled and when they didn't they were always touching. It was like they were drawn towards each other. Harry never talked about it though, but he couldn't stop wondering what was going on between those two and whether they were aware of it.

He also wondered if Zayn ever felt love. The boy once told him that he could not love, that he would not love because he would end up hurting them, like he always hurt the people he loved. When Zayn had told him that, Harry had told him that he loved Zayn no matter what and that all of them would hurt each other eventually, but that they loved each other enough to always come back. It made Zayn smile and Harry hoped that someone out there would make Zayn feel loved.

So all in all they had a decent life. They had a job, they had a new family and a wicked secret. The only thing missing was love from either their family or a lover, but all of them were curious to what the future would bring, because who knows... maybe one of them could just be that lucky to find their match made in heaven.

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