Chapter 21

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It was finally spring break. It could not have soon enough. I sat myself on the couch in the house as Grayson got me a yogurt. We decided to watch a movie in the basement since we were the only two home for a while. We choose to watch Frozen.


"LET IT GOOO!!! LET IT GO!! CANT HOLD IT BACK ANY MORE!!" Grayson said as loud as he could.

"Gray." I said laughing, "Not so loud."

"Aww. But why?"

"Because I would like to keep my hearing."

"Fine. For your hearing." He said as we kissed.

I still loved feeling those lips of his on mine. They were perfect. Gave me the butterflies every time.

*middle of spring break*

It was a nice day out so Grayson and I decided to go take a swim in the pool. As much as I didn't want to, I some how let him convince me to go in.

"Why are you making me do this Gray?" I asked as he pulled me outside.

"Because it's a nice day and we haven't really done much besides watch movies, eat, and sleep since break started."

"But that's how I liked it." 

We got in the pool and swam around a bit. Out of nowhere, Ethan came jumping in right next to us.

"Where did you come from? I thought you had LaCrosse practice all day?" I asked once he reached the surface.

"Coach let us go early."

"So instead of choosing to hang out with them the rest of the day, you decided to come and bother us?" Grayson asked.

"Yep. Pretty much." He said with one of those sarcastic smiles.

*first day back to school*

"I don't wanna though." I said as Grayson practically carried me through the doors of the school.

"Baby. Come on. I don't wanna go either. But I'm still going."

I've been having a lot of mood swings lately. I mean, I know why, but I don't like them. And neither does Grayson. Leah did say she had a lot of those when she was pregnant with her son. So I knew it was a normal thing.

"Can I call Leah really fast?" I ask Grayson.

"Sure. Go ahead." He said as he then kissed my head.

I went into the Auditorium since I knew no one was in there 20 minutes before the bell was gonna ring.

"Hey girl. What's up?" Leah said through the phone.

"I just had a question for ya is all."

"Ask away."

"When you were pregnant with Joey in high school, how did you go to school with out everyone knowing or finding out about him?"

"What I did, is that I found a big jacket that I knew would cover my stomach as it grew. That way, no one would see the bump in my stomach."

"And it really worked for you? No one ever found out?"

"Yeah. Worked like a charm. But in the end people did end up finding out that I was pregnant and who the dad was. But by then, I had already had Joey and so it didn't really matter anymore."

"Cool. Thanks so much."

"So. Hows that boyfriend of yours? Still treating you the same?"

"Yeah. Grays such a sweetheart. I'm glad I met him."

"He is. Whenever I ask him about you, he could go on for hours about you. And by the way, aren't you in school right now?" Leah asked as she laughed a little at the end.

"Yeah. The first bell hasn't rung yet. It will in like, 8 minutes. So I should go. Talk to you later Leah. Thanks for talking."

"No prob. Bye." We then hung up.

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