Turtle-puppy eyes

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-Raph's p.o.v.-
We walked into this large room with some weird looking triceraton guy on a chair. He looked all high and mighty. April, Casey and Fugitoid were there; of course everyone who has a human brain can't keep themselves hidden.
"Aha Hello turtles! It appears we have run into a slight dilemma." The Fugitoid stated.
"Slight? Really professor? Slight dilemma? We're in the middle of the triceraton mothership, no one can help us as the Ulixes has probably floated off into the midst of space and we're here with no helmets, no weapons and no closer to saving Earth!" Donnie shouted. It was rare when Donnie shouted, it was usually when I said something bad about his experiments or Mikey won't get out of his lab.
"Donnie, are you okay?" April asked.
He just shrugged her off, which is something Donnie wouldn't do.
"Silence, beings." The big dude said. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't kill you for trespassing."
We were all silent, no one dared to speak. Except Mikey.
"I know all the secret bases in dimension X! Whoops." Mikey covered his mouth and everybody in the room stared at him. It was so quiet you could hear Casey burp.
"Heheh, ignore that." He said in embarrassment
"Keep talking, young one." The big guy spoke again.
"Only if you make me a deal." Mikey said. He was an idiot.
"I'm listening." The triceraton was going for it?
"I swear, if you deal for pizza, I'm going to pound you." I hissed.
Mikey shook his head and continued.
"I'll give you the bases if you give us the first third of the heart of darkness and let us back on our ship in the other half of the galaxy." Mikey crossed his arms.
Again why?
The big weird guy looked at the other triceratons. Some were nodding, some were shaking their head and some just stood there.
"I have a counter proposal." The high and mighty dude smiled. "You give me the bases to Dimension X and I give you the heart of darkness and let you go."
"Dude that's exactly what-"
"You stay here." The triceraton crossed his arms.
Please Mikey no, don't do this. We can't lose you again.
"Deal. As long as I'm fed with pizza." Mikey gave his puppy eyes.
"Deal. Give these terrapin things their last words with this young clever terrapin, as they will never see him again." Big dude waved his hand.
The triceratons let us go and we instantly ran over to Mikey.
"Make way, angry turtle coming through." I shoved past Leo and Donnie and stood in front of Mikey.
-Mikey's p.o.v.-
Raph stood in front of me, his eyes filled with rage. I thought he was gonna hit me. So I was super surprised when he broke into tears and hugged me.
"Dude what's up?" I laughed as I patted his shell.
"What's up? You're risking your life for a piece of metal!" Raph's eyes were still wet.
"It's either I risk it now and we get the heart of darkness guaranteed or we risk our lives trying to steal it with a possibility of not getting it." I smiled at him as a triceraton lifted him away from me.
His eyes turned white from rage as he tried to beat the triceraton up. He didn't succeed, so he just flopped over its shoulder and wiped away tears.

Besides I knew how to get out.

Family (a TMNT fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora