Antonio's Pizzeria!

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-Leo's p.o.v.-
"I'm helping Raph and Donnie throw our your action figures." I gave my most serious tone possible.
"Dude please don't." Mikey pleaded.
"Tell us what's up then. Please." Donnie looked on the verge of tears.
Mikey looked at the ground. " I assume you got the video from my t-phone right?" We all nodded. "Well that was several hours after I got caught. When I got caught they brought me to this room, I had this collar as well. They electrocuted me, stabbed me, punched me, kicked me, knocked me out, you get the point. But when they were taking me from here to the cell they thought I was unconscious though I wasn't, I heard everything. They said they wanted you guys to come rescue me and they knew you would. So they can get the information about Splinter then kill us off one by one." Mikey looked at us with tears in his eyes.
Raph, Donnie and I were all shocked; every word he said gave us different emotions. I was about to say something until Raph beat me to it.
"I'm sorry, bro. It's all my fault. If I didn't break your toe in the first place we wouldn't be here." Raph was nearly crying as well.
"It's cool, dude." Mikey smiled. "At least we're together."
"Yeah." I was really quiet. I was still trying to get over what they did to Mikey.
It was silent. Which was surprising as Mikey was in the room.
Suddenly there was a huge zap of electricity come from Mikey's collar.
"Woah! Dudes, look!" Mikey stood up and his collar was on the floor. He had a little bit of red rubber in his hand, like a balloon type. "I still had some water balloons, and look, collar comes right off!"
"What about the shock?" Donnie asked. 
"Didn't hurt one bit." He gave his signature smile as he took out three more balloons.
"Mikey, if you throw that balloon at me-" Raph was cut off by a giant splash of water on his face. Mikey did the same to me and Donnie. The collars dropped to the ground after a flash of really bright light.
"That's it slime ball!" Raph ran after Mikey, but he was smiling?
Mikey scream-laughed and ran away. He tripped over a pipe and fell over. He rolled over onto his shell to see Raph staring right at him.
"Please don't kill me-ahahahahaha stop!" Raph started tickling him.
"After what's happened today, you deserve this. Right Donnie?" Raph gave Donnie an evil grin.
"Donnie, you know how much I love you right? Ahhhhh no!" Donnie grabbed his feet as Raph stayed at his plastron.
"So you love Donnie more? How do you feel about that Leo?" Raph smirked.
"Horrible, I guess I'm gonna have to help." I walked over to Mikey's neck and he looked at me with his baby blue eyes.
We were all tickling Mikey until he was crying with laughter.
"Okay, okay! Haha I love you all!" Mikey wriggled under our grip and Raph was the first to stop. Donnie and I followed suit.
Mikey sat up and Raph instantly pulled him into a hug.
-Raph's p.o.v.-
I pulled Mikey into a hug the second he sat up.
"I am so sorry, bro." I whispered so Donnie and Leo won't know how soft I was.
Mikey hugged me back "I am too."
The moment was cut off when Dorkster Stoopmen flew in.
"What? How did you essscape?" We all stood up, ready for some action.
Leo pointed out the door was still open and nudged Mikey. He jumped up from the back of us, doing a front flip as he threw a smoke bomb.
"Booyakashaaa!" A giant poof of purple smoke filled the room as we escaped and ran through the corridor.
Suddenly there were red flashing lights and alarms everywhere.
"Aww sewer-apples." I muttered.
"Hey guys look!" Donnie pointed upwards to a large vent in the ceiling.
We could hear footbots at the end of the hall so we didn't have much time.
"Come on! We don't have all day." Leo said as he opened the vent. I hopped in after and helped Mikey and Donnie up just before the footbots arrived.
The vent was small but just big enough for us. The smell of fresh air and cars rushing by made me thing how long we were in there for.
"Leo? After all this can we get some pizza?" Mikey did his innocent voice.
"If you're the one to tell Splinter what happened." Leo replied.
"Deal!" I could tell he was smiling even though he was behind me.
We got to the end of the vent and Leo looked out. There was a manhole right outside but there was also a-
"Pizzeria! Dudes, it's Antonio's as well!" Mikey was ecstatic.
"Down manhole first, then we get April to pick us one up from there, okay?" Leo still looked outside.
"Sweet." Mikey zoned out to his little pizza world.
"Alright, it looks about half ten in the evening. We might be able to sneak into the manhole." Leo observed where he was.
"Let's go then fearless!" I was getting impatient.
Leo sat quietly for a few seconds.
"Let's go." He opened the vent very carefully and hopped down to the manhole. We all followed suit. I opened it and crept down with Mikey, then Donnie and Leo after. After the manhole was closed we ran to the lair.
After about 4 minutes of running, Mikey fell over.
"Ugh, I'm fine dudes." He stood up then just fell again. "Honestly."
"You were fine a minute ago." Donnie said.
"I know, just my bad toe hit a rock." He winced as he touched it.
"Come on, shell-brain, I'll carry ya." I walked over and picked him up. I was responsible for his toe so I should carry him.
"Just like old times." He held slightly tighter. "Thanks bro."
"Always here for ya Mikey."

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