Don't touch Unicorn-man!

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-Donnie's p.o.v.-
We got back to the lair and I ran into my lab. Raph followed me and placed Mikey on my table. Leo wandered off to the dojo.
I walked to Mikey and checked his toe. Master Splinter had done a pretty good job of making it stable but it hadn't actually fixed it. It was badly bruised and clearly broken.
"Sorry about this Mikey." I had to put a splint on it but I knew it would hurt him.
"About whaaaAHHH!" Mikey jerked his foot away and looked at me with tears in his eyes. "That hurt!"
"I know Mikey, I'm sorry but I have to." Mikey shook his head.
"Nope. Not a chance D."
"I'll buy you three large pizzas from Antonio's and play video games with you all day." Raph bribed.
"Donnie, my toe is in your hands." I laughed at how easily Mikey was persuaded. I grabbed his foot and quickly bandaged it. I saw him wince when I put the splint on.
When I finished, Mikey instantly turned to Raph.
"So about those pizzas, one with sausage and jelly beans, one with pepperoni and marshmallows and one with anchovies and jalapeños." Mikey did his biggest smile.
"I'll text April and tell her to get them." Raph smiled back and pulled out his t-phone as Leo walked in with Splinter.
"My son, I believe you have something to tell me."
-Splinter's p.o.v.-
"My son, I believe you have something to tell me." I asked Michelangelo.
Leonardo had already told me his part but not the events that happened beforehand.
"Oh yeah! Leo, you owe me a pizza! Pickles and hot sauce, dude!" Michelangelo smiled; I missed that.
"Sure thing, Mikey."
"Michelangelo?" I urged him to continue.
My son told me the whole story and when he had finished he was out of breath.
"My son, you have had a rough day. Please rest." I stroked my beard.
"Hai Sensei." Michelangelo bowed.
I turned to walk out of the door then stopped.
"Oh, Raphael and Donatello, I have not forgotten about those sit ups. And I hope you have not either." I smirked and walked back to my room.
-Leo's p.o.v.-
Donnie and Raph both groaned but they knew they had to do it.
"I'll be back in a mo." Raph ran to the dojo and Donnie reluctantly followed.
"I'd never seen Raph so excited to do sit ups." I chuckled.
"Same here dude." Mikey smiled.
"Um quick question? If you had your t-phone why didn't you call us?" I scratched the back of my neck.
"'Cause I didn't think you would want me back." Mikey shrugged.
"Why would you think that?" I was shocked.
"They way you guys treat me." Mikey half smiled.
"Wow, we're really sorry, I'm really sorry." I didn't know what to say.
"It's cool dude, don't feel bad."
"GAHHHHHH!" There was a large shout from the dojo.
"What was that?" I asked to myself.
"Dude, that was Raph!" Mikey replied to me.
"Let's go check on him." I walked to Mikey and gave him a piggy back.
"Onward brother." Mikey laughed and pointed forward.
I laughed and ran to the dojo.
-Mikey's p.o.v.-
Leo rushed to the dojo with me on his back. It was fun to be carried, it reminded me of when we were little.
We got to the dojo and opened the door to a familiar sight.
Raph was standing in front of a hole in the wall with his hands bleeding. Donnie stood well back, trying to calm him down.
"Raph, stop it!" Donnie pleaded.
"Why should I?" Raph shouted back.
"Because Mikey's in the room!" Donnie looked back at me and Leo.
Raph stopped and looked to where Donnie was looking. I looked at Raph and smiled, he smiled back.
"Come on, Raph. I'll go sort out your hand." Donnie suggested.
To my surprise Raph went with him looking happy as he did so.
"Hey guys?" I heard a female voice and smelt the best smelling pizzas ever.
"April and pizza!" I shouted and tried to run to the food. I tripped about half way but crawled a bit; I wasn't letting pizza get cold.
My toe was killing really bad so I laid on the floor. I had an idea.
"April! Bring the pizzas to meeee!" I shouted as loud as I could.
About 30 seconds later April was in view with pizza. I outstretched my arms to grab them.
"Thankyouuuuu." I opened the first box: sausage and jelly beans, and took a slice.
"Mikey, why are you on the floor?" April asked. I saw Casey behind her.
"Bahd towe." I had a face full of pizza.
I saw Leo come out of the dojo and walked over to us.
"April, we need to talk." He grabbed her hand and led her into the lab, leaving me and Casey.
"So,uh, you wanna play some video games?" Casey asked.
I nodded and shuffled towards the television with my pizza.
Time skip~~
Casey and I had been playing for an hour.
"What happened to April?" I asked.
"I dunno." Casey replied.
Soon enough she came out the lab with tears in her eyes.
"Casey, lets go" April sounded really upset.
"What's wrong, dude?" I asked her.
"Nothing, Mikey, I'm fine just wanna go home." April left the lair with Casey not far behind.
I knew my brothers had said something. I hobbled to the door of Donnie's lab then sat and listened.
"Guys, why did we tell her what happened? She's just gonna be worried." Donnie protested.
"Maybe she deserved to know. After all she does care about Mikey like he's her little brother." Leo argued back.
"Well he's not, he's mine." Raph grumbled.
I carefully walked into Donnie's lab all ninja-ry and sat closer.
Leo whispered something to Raph and Donnie and they all smirked.
"Hmm I wonder how Mikey's gonna feel when we tell him we got rid of his action figures." Leo said quite loudly.
They promised they wouldn't do this!
"I hope you haven't touched unicorn-man! Ohh sewer apples." I soon realised what their plan was as soon as I spoke.
"Nah we haven't, but we knew you were eavesdropping." Raph smiled.
"Totally wasn't dudes, I, uh, was just checking on Timothy." I turned to Tim and patted his container.
"Okay you do that and we'll finish off your pizza." Donnie got up.
"Nope that's definitely not necessary!" I hobbled-ran out of the lab to my pizza and found my lovely pizza ready for me to eat.

Family (a TMNT fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें