Nowhere To Run

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-Mikey's p.o.v.-
I am so glad Sensei fixed my toe; I definitely wasn't letting Donnie do it after he shouted at me. I heard every word they said, and to be honest I didn't want them to apologise. This happens all the time and they never say sorry then so why should they now?
I heard the shuffle of paper doors as Leo poked his head round them.
"Hey Mikey." He walked in and say next to me. "So, um, how you doing?" He looked really sheepish. Leo never knows what to say. He's a great brother and all but he can never understand me.
"Considering two of my brothers shouted at me and one of them broke my toe? Yeah I'm completely fine, Leo." I rolled my eyes at him. I caught a glimpse of Donnie and Raph standing at the door.
"Mikey there's no need to be sarcast-"
"No need? No need, Leo? How would you like it if you get up at five every morning to cook your brothers breakfast then half hour later they come barging into your room just after you fell back asleep and literally drag you out of the room to only break your toe. Then when you try to go and fix it without causing a fuss, you get denied access to using the first aid kit because everyone thinks you will break something?!" I stood up and pointed at Leo then Donnie then Raph. "You three never take me seriously and you know what? Sometimes I wish you weren't my brothers." I stomped out of the room before I stopped at Donnie. "And yes, Donatello. I used literally correct in a sentence." I headed towards the turnstiles and hopped over them, running into the unknown depths of the sewers.
-Leo's p.o.v-
We all ran after Mikey shouting his name but he just carried on. We stopped at the turnstiles and I sighed as Raph let out a large grunt.
"My sons, where is Michelangelo going?" Splinter mysteriously appeared, scaring Donnie out of his shell.
"That idiot ran off!" Raph huffed and kicked the floor, coincidentally where Donnie had fallen over.
"What Raphael is trying to say is that Mikey was slightly annoyed and went to clear his head." I scratched the back of my neck.
"Yeah, after he shouted at you, Raph and me then ran into the sewers without saying a word" Donnie got off the floor and shoved Raph for kicking him. He retaliated by tackling Donnie to the ground.
Whilst they were having a friendly fight I carried on talking to Splinter.
"Leonardo, what actually happened?" He stroked his beard as he normally does when he's in thought.
"Okay, Sensei. I went into the dojo to try and calm him as you told me to. When I sat down next to him I asked him if he was alright, he gave a really sarcastic response and I said there was no need for it, he then got rea- ouch!" Donnie ran into him after Raph sidestepped to dodge his attack.
"Heh, sorry Leo." Donnie shrugged and went straight back to losing to Raph.
"As I was saying Sensei," I looked over my shoulder to see if there were any more accidental attacks. When it was clear I continued. " I told him there was no need to be sarcastic and he got really angry by saying we never take him seriously and, ahem, he said he didn't want to be our brother." I said the last part quietly in hopes Splinter wouldn't hear it, but his rat ears catch onto everything.
"My son." He placed his paw on my shoulder. "Michelangelo is just speaking out of anger, he is new to that feeling." He showed a small smile to reassure me but it soon disappeared when Raph piped up.
"Everything I say out of anger is pretty much true and I don't regret it after, isn't that right Donasmello?" I look down and Raph is sitting on Donnie, pinning him down. Donnie looked like he was about to say something but Splinter got there before him.
"So, Raphael. You are saying you intentionally meant to break your brother's toe?" He had an eyebrow raised but he was still deadly serious.
"Well not exactly but-" Raph looked down as Splinter cut him off.
"No buts!" Donnie snickered slightly but stopped when he earned a glare from Splinter. "You shall find your brother at once and as soon as you get back, fifty sit ups for Raphael, twenty five for Donatello and Leonardo cooks dinner. He turned on his heel and slowly made his way to his room to meditate.
"Come on let's find that idiot before he gets himself into anymore trouble." Raph got off Donnie and walked hopped over the turnstiles.
"Um, D?"
"Yeah Leo?"
"Do you actually like Mikey?" I know it was a stupid question, but I had to know.
"Well obviously, he's my" He hesitated and looked to the ground. He looked back up with guilt written all over his face and sighed. "He's my little brother. And I'm an idiot, Leo. I shouldn't have shouted at him, he didn't deserve it."
I walked over to Donnie and put my arm around him.
"This is Mikey we're talking about, give him some pizza and he'll never remember what happened. Raph on the other hand." I sighed deeply as Donnie and I left the lair to catch up with Raph.
-Mikey's p.o.v.-
I've got to go somewhere. I could go to Mr Murikami's! Nah too obvious, even though the gyoza is to die for. Mmmm pizza gyoza. No I've got to hide, I can hear footsteps echoing. I could go to Shredder and surrender myself. Whoa dude what part of your mind did that idea come from? Wait, I can go to April's! It's day outside and my bros won't go to the surface when it's light out! I've just gotta hide in the allies and make it to April's house without being seen! How hard can it be?

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