Chapter 27: Halcyon Days Don't Exist Anymore

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Sasuke's POV
I was speeding down the streets to the grocery store that was closest to Kaya's house. It was she either didn't make it there or she was ambushed on the way home. By chance I just happened to glance out my window as I passed an alley. My foot slammed on the breaks as I saw a person on the ground. I got out of my car and ran towards the figure.

"Kaya!" I knelt down beside her. She didn't look as beat up as I thought she would be, but she still had some scratches and bruises.

"Sasuke." Tears were starting to run down her face.

"Oh Kaya. It will be okay. I'm here now."I pulled her into a hug. I felt her body rack with sobs. "Come on, let's get you home and cleaned up." I put my arm around her waist to help her up. But when I did, her body flinched.

"Ow!" Maybe she was more hurt than what I could see. Very carefully, I helped her up and into the car. The drive back to her house was silent except for the few times that she choked out another sob.

When we got back to her house, I helped her out of the car and into her house. As I opened the door, I saw her mom jump up off the couch.

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know. Just leave this to me, would you?" As much as she wanted to find out herself, she just nodded her head. "Can you get me some bandages and gauze wraps?"

"Yes." She went quickly to find the stuff I needed. I took Kaya upstairs and into the bathroom. I put the lid of the toilet down and made her sit. Grabbing a wash rag, I wetted it and began cleaning her face. Soon I moved onto her arms. Every now and again she would flinch when I hit one of her bruises. Her mom came up with what I asked for. Before leaving, she gave Kaya a worried glance. I finally got to cleaning her legs. They weren't bad, but they had more cuts and bruises than her arms. I was almost done, when I remembered about Kaya's side.

I started unbuttoning her shirt. When I got to the third button, Kaya's hands shot up and grabbed mine. "Sasuke, what are you doing?"

"I know your side is hurt." I continued removing the shirt. Wanting to not be a pervert, I tried my best to not look at her chest.

Her left side had a really dark and nasty bruise on it. It stretched all the way from the middle of her side down to the top of her thigh. It was a lot worse than the one she had on her face from the game of dodgeball. Trying to be gentle, I wrapped the gauze around her side. When I was done, I took her into her bedroom. I waited outside in the hallway while she changed into her pajamas.

"Kaya. Tell me everything that happened."

"You're not gonna be happy about it."

"So. Just tell me who hurt you!"

"It was your brother. It was Itachi Uchiha."

Kaya's POV
"I told you that you would pay for what you did to me."

"Itachi!" His name came out of my mouth as a hiss. He came to me and grabbed my chin with his hand.

"Do you regret it now?"

"I regret nothing." I spit in his face and using my right foot, kicked him hard on his left leg.

"You shouldn't have done that," he whispered in my ear. All of a sudden, a searing pain went up the left side of my stomach. Over and over again, pain shot through my side. I tried to struggle out of my captor's grasps, but that only caused bruises to form on my arms. My knees buckled out from under me, causing me to skin my legs on the rough cement below. I lifted my eyes up to see Itachi gazing at me with cold eyes. "Sasori, Deidara. Come on, let's go."

"As you wish, un." The hands released their grip on me and I fell to the ground. The fall sent a new wave of pain into me.

"I would just give Sasuke up now Kaya. You don't want to make an enemy of me."

~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I felt strong arms envelope me into a hug. It was so warm and comforting.

"Don't worry Kaya. I will make Itachi pay for what he did to you. Listen to me," he pulled back and stared into my eyes. "Don't leave the house on your own anymore. Who knows what he would do. And those guys that were with him are a part of the Akatsuki."

"The Akatsuki?"

"Yeah. They're gang members. They do anything from stealing to kidnapping and even murder. They're bad news Kaya." He got up and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To hurt Itachi."

"Don't go."

"What?" He stopped and turned to look at me. For once, confusion was in his eyes. His eyes that were burning with anger.

"Please stay with me?" I saw his eyes soften up. Although it looked like he was torn between two choices. Either stay with his hurt girlfriend or go and hurt his brother. He chose the former and sat back down on the bed. Surprising him, I laid down on the bed and pulled him down with me. Instantly, his arms wrapped around me an pulled me closer to him.

Sasuke's POV
It's been about half an hour since Kaya laid down. Judging by her steady breaths, she was asleep. I was lost in thought, when the door opened. Masayo poked her head in before opening the door fully.

"How is she doing?"


"What happened?"

"I'll deal with it."

"I'm her mother, I deserve to know!" I felt Kaya stir in her sleep.

"It... Was my brother."

"Itachi Uchiha? The one rumored to be in a gang?"


"Don't get Kaya involved any further in this mess. Don't stay too late." She turned out the light before closing the door. Before long, I started getting sleepy.

The next thing I know, it was six in the morning.

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