Chapter 18: Innocence And Ignorance

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Kaya's POV

I laid in bed at one o'clock on the morning, staring at the ceiling. These past three days have been weird. I was starting to lose it not being able to argue with Sasuke. And that's even weirder.

I rolled over onto my side and clutched my silky blue comforter closer to my body. I had just started to fall asleep when my phone lit up and vibrated on my night stand.

"Who would be texting me this late?" I mumbled to myself and reached over and snatched it up. Unlocking my phone, I read the text message. And I was not happy with it.

"Missing me yet?"

I glared at my phone, hoping to kill the sender through it.

"Dammit Duckass. How the hell did you get my number?"

In no more than a minute later, I received a reply back.

"I have my ways ;)"

I sighed. "And let me guess. Your ways are Naruto?"


"Stupid Uchiha! Go to bed!"

"Make me."

Turning my phone off, I went to bed. What the hell was that even about anyway?


The day pretty much flew by. Aside from mine and Sasuke's arguments over the stupidest things, nothing much happened. It was plain boring.

And gym wasn't any better.

Neither Sasuke nor I was allowed to play dodgeball today. We had been dubbed too "dangerous" to allow on the court together.

And I was really wanting to play.

"You know, because of you, I don't think we'll ever be allowed to play dodgeball again,"I said while getting in Sasuke's car.

"But remember, you're the one who started it."

"Whatever." I leaned my cheek against the window. A sharp pain flew through my cheek, but soon subsided. The bruise was still nasty as ever.

"You know, most other girls would've covered that up with make-up."


"Just saying."

"I really don't get you."

"Most girls don't." A smirked formed on his mouth.

He stopped at my house. There was only two weeks left of our science project. And we still have yet to do any research.

Going up to my room, I locked the door after Sasuke came in. I did not want to have an awkward moment with my mom because of what happened Monday.

I was about to flop down on my bed when I noticed Sasuke had already beat me to it.

"Seriously Uchiha?" He was really starting to annoy me.

"Yep. First come, first serve." He put his arms behind his head and closed his eyes. If it wasn't for the smug look on his face, I would say he almost looked peaceful.

"But it's my bed."

"I don't care." A smirk tugged at his lips as I shot him a nasty glare.

"You better care," I hissed and grabbed a pillow and started whacking him with it.

"You really think that hurts?"

"No. But I really wanted to hit you."

"Well, two can play this game." He grabbed a pillow and we got into a big pillow fight.

We literally wasted almost two hours fighting with each other. But it was kind of fun.

"Just give up Uchiha!"


I was starting to get tired and fell back on the bed. He advanced towards me and continued to swing the pillow. My blocks were getting sloppy. Finally, I let go of the pillow and just held my hands in front of my face. Crawling backwards to the headboard, I thought the attacks would stop.

But I was wrong.

Sasuke climbed onto the bed and started coming closer, pillow poised and ready to attack.

Closing my eyes and holding my hands up, I waited for the attack. That never came.

I opened my eyes and saw Sasuke's face just inches from mine. The pillow he was holding, now lay on the floor.

"Sasuke, what're you doing?"

"I really don't know."

Before I could say anything, he cupped my face in his hands and brought his lips onto mine. I was too shocked to do anything.

I just don't understand him.

[so comment, vote, follow, spread the word. It's finally is the time a lot of people have been waiting for. Dun dun dun. You all saw this coming though, didn't you-_-? Bye:)]

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