Chapter 20: A Surprise Visitor So Early InThe Morning

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Kaya's POV

I had just finished tying the bow to my uniform when there was a knock at my door.

"Hurry up sis. You don't want to keep Mr. Popular waiting do you?"

"Huh? Sota, what are you talking about?" I quickly grabbed my bag and raced out of my room and into the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway when I saw a duck's ass straight in my line of vision.

"What are you doing here?"

Upon hearing my voice, Sasuke turned his head to look at me.

"What do you mean? I'm here to pick you up."

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Am I not allowed to drive my girlfriend to school?" He asked, a smirk clearly visible on his face.

All of a sudden, my mom dropped her fork on her plate and my father choked while drinking his coffee. I don't get what is up with those two lately.

"Are you two okay?"

"We're fine Kaya. Don't you need to be heading off soon so you won't be late for school?" My mom had picked up her fork and resumed eating.

"Yeah. Come on." Sasuke got up from the chair and grabbed my hand. He then proceeded to drag me out of my house. Giving a big sigh, I got in his car.

"Why all the sighing?"

"Because you really are unpredictable."

"Heh," he gave a small chuckle. Coming to a stop at a red light, he turned his head to look at me. "You do know you're unpredictable too, don't you?"

"Nh." I rested my head against the window. Watching all the scenery fly past made me kind of sleepy. Just wanting to rest a little, I closed my eyes.

"Hey. Kaya." I felt a gentle nudge on my left arm. I tried swatting whatever it was away. "You need to wake up." A voice whispered in my ear. It's warm breath tickling my neck. A little shiver went up my spine as I opened my eyes up. Still sleepy, I turned my head to look at the owner or the voice. Just as my head was turned a certain way, a pair of lips came crashing on mine. That surely woke me up all the way.

"You awake yet?" My blue eyes stared into Sasuke's onyx eyes. Breaking the stare, I rolled my eyes.

"Come on already." I opened the door and got out. "What time is it anyway?"

He pulled out his phone. "7:10."

"We still have almost an hour before school starts?"


I sighed again. "I didn't even get to eat breakfast."

"Come with me." Sasuke grabbed my hand and forced me to walk with him to the school.


Sasuke's POV

"Are you happy now?"

"Yeah!" I watched in silence as she started eating her food.

"Oi. Sasuke!" A scowl appeared on my face at the sound of that voice. "You're here early!"

"What do you want loser?"

"I'm just looking for something to do! What about you?"


"Fine, be that way! I'm gonna go find something fun to do and I don't want to hear you complaining to me about how bored you are! See ya later Kaya!"

He started to run off, but stopped dead in his tracks. "Hey! Wait a minute! Why are you two together?" He came back up to the table and stood there waiting for an answer.


"Because why?"

"Just because."

"Give me a good answer!"

Our eyes locked together in an intense staredown. The tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

"Is it just me, or are there sparks between you two?" We both turned to Kaya, who had already finished eating her food. She got up to throw her trash away.

"Okay, Sasuke give me an answer!"

"Fine." I sighed, knowing this would go on forever if I didn't tell him. "We're dating."

"What?" His mouth gaped open in surprise. "What do you mean d-d-dating?" Jumping up from his seat, he pointed a finger at me.

I face palmed. "It's just like it sounds. We're going out."

Before he could speak again, I grabbed mine and Kaya's bags and got up from the table. Going to the trash can, I grabbed Kaya's hand and dragged her after me.

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