Chapter 2: Assembly Time

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I stared in wonder at the assembly hall. Rows upon rows of seats greeted me. There was also two stories of balconies. It was big enough to be a concert hall. Even though I knew this was a rich school, I didn't expect it to be this rich.

"Oh, Miss Kurosawa. I'm glad you made it here."

"Hello Principal Sarutobi." Over walked Principal Sarutobi, who is like a grandfather figure to everyone. Following him was vice-principal Tsunade and her assistant Shizune. Shizune also held Tsunade's pet pig.

"So are you excited to be attending this school?"

"Yes. I am very honored to be here actually."

"Good. We expect good things from you Miss Kurosawa. Take your place. The assembly will begin shortly."

"Okay." As I was walking to my seat on the stage, I saw someone already sitting there with his head down. From what I saw, it looked like he was texting on his cell phone. He seemed really familiar. I didn't recognize him until I was right next to him. Then it hit me.

"You're that jerk from earlier!" Only then did he look at me. Yep it was definitely him. The scowl on his face told me that he remembered who I was.

"Why are you here?" He glared at me as he asked this question. "Don't tell me you're a stalker." I started to get really mad. He got up. "You too scared to answer me?" He smirked figuring he was right. For me that was the last straw.

"Hell no!" I punched him right in the gut, causing him to double over. "Who would stalk you? Besides. I'm the female speaker at this assembly!" My words caused him to glare at me more.

"Hey Sasuke. Is everything okay? I heard yelling." In came the blond I met earlier. "Oh! You're the girl from the hallway!" Only then did he look at Sasuke. "Are you feeling alright Sasuke? You look like you're having stomach problems." He was having a hard time trying not to laugh. I figured he must have saw the whole thing and how I punched him.

"Idiot. I'm perfectly fine. What are you doing here anyway? You're wanting something aren't you?" He looked at his friend with his eyebrow raised.

"Have you seen Sakura?"

"No. Now leave. And take her with you." He stood up pointing a finger at me.

"I have a name you know. It's Kaya."

"And? Like I care." He went back to his seat and sat down. I flipped him off, but he didn't see because he was too busy pulling out some earbuds and an iPod.

"I'm Naruto!" The blond gave a big smile and held out his hand. I shook his hand. "Don't worry about Sasuke. Wow, it seems like I say that a lot. Anyway, that's just his normal attitude."

"Well, it's not a very good attitude. He's a total JERK!" I said the last part a little louder.

"I can hear you, you know?" He questioned obviously not pleased I was disrupting his music.

"Good. I said it so you could hear me!" I noticed there were girls at the door looking at me like I was crazy. "What time is it?" Naruto looked at his watch.

"It's 7:54. Why?"

"Just seeing how much longer it was until the assembly started. Okay, one question. Why are those girls starting at me?" He looked over his shoulder. He must have seen someone he knew because a huge grin settled on his face.

"Gotta go. Oh, and they're not staring at you. They're staring at Sasuke." He ran towards the group of girls. "Hey Sakura!" I could hear the happiness in his voice as he came closer to a girl with pink bubblegum hair. Obviously, she wasn't very pleased to have him near her because he started coming closer to the stage.

"Oi. Hey Sakura, where are you going?" A girl with long blond hair ran to the pinkette. I realized that their skirts were short. Really short.

"I'm going to say hi to Sasuke. Now Ino, you shouldn't come." The girl named Sakura told Ino.

"Hey! He's gonna need something beautiful to distract him from your overly huge forehead!" As much as I hated listening to their childish arguing, I had to agree with the blond. The pinkette did have an unusually large forehead. She stopped right in her tracks when she saw me on the stage.

"Who are you and what are you doing? You think you can be on the same stage as Sasuke?" The pinkette asked with venom.

"Well, first off, my name is none of your business. And second, why would I willingly want to be on the same stage as that jerk anyway?"

"Sasuke is not a jerk." She said very calmly, but with so much anger behind every word. I sensed movement behind me and a hand gripped my shoulder.

"Kaya go to your seat. And Sakura, you need to sit down too. The assembly's about to begin." I shook myself away from his grasp.

"Anything for you Sasuke." The pinkette said with hearts in her eyes. Before she left, her and Ino shot me a glare. Only after a few seconds did they go take their seats. Me and Sasuke walked back to our seats.

"I won't lose to you," Sasuke said still looking forward.

"What?" I turned my face to look at him.

"I won't lose to you. I will be better than you." His voice was calm, but the tone of it was so bitter.

"That's it Sasuke! I won't lose to you either. Don't think that just cause you're a guy you will be better than me!"

"Kaya, calm down." I looked to the voice to see Lady Tsunade. "The assembly is starting."

"Just great. I get to spend three hours next to Duckbutt."

"Whatever. You're annoying. Just shut up."

'Man I regret coming to this school now,' I thought to myself.

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