Chapter 8: Gym Class and Stupid Detention

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It was finally the final period of the day. Gym. Hinata and I went and got changed into our gym uniforms and went into the gym. Instantly, I saw pink bubblegum hair. This was the first I've seen of Sakura since lunch. And standing a few feet away from her was Duckass.

A grin spread across my face. If he's in here with me during gym, I can only think of all the was to get him back.

"Kaya, Kaya." I snapped out of my revenge plots and looked at Hinata.


"I asked why you had a scary smile on your face."

"Oh, no reason." I said in a sing-songy voice. She didn't look like she believed me, but didn't press any farther. "Hey Hinata. When do you think we'll get to play dodgeball?"

"I don't know. Kaya, please don't do anything to get suspended or expelled."

"I would never go that far without a damn good reason. But I do want to have my fun!" I chuckled darkly, a sly grin spreading up my face.

Shrrrp. A shrill sound resounded from a whistle. We all turned toward the door to see our gym sensei.

"Eep!" I let out a noise of surprise when I saw his horrendous outfit. He was wearing the ugliest green track suit tights with orange leg warmers. He also had on a different shade of green vest. What shocked me most was the size of his eyebrows. I swear they were like a forest.

"Oh my god! Those are the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen!" Naruto fell to the floor, clutching his stomach an laughing.

Shrrrp. Our sensei walked over to Naruto. "You, young man, look like you have a lot of youth. Now I want you to run laps around the gym until I tell you to stop!"

Naruto remained on the floor laughing, not fazed at all by what our sensei ordered him to do.

"Lee. Motivate this kid to use the power of his youth."

"Yes Guy-sensei!" Our sensei's student assistant who looked exactly like him, but only in a school uniform, came running. Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as the kid came closer, showing no signs of stopping. Jumping up quickly, Naruto ran away from the person chasing him.

"Somebody help me!" Naruto yelled causing several fits of laughter to erupt from the class.

"Anyway, I am Guy-sensei!" He stuck his thumb out and gave a smile that twinkled. He looked like a hitchhiker who just came out of the dentist office. We all sweat dropped. We had an idiot for a sensei.

"Now, today we will be doing an exam on how fit you are." People started groaning, especially the girls. "C'mon now, don't be that way. Show me the power of our youth like the blond over there! First off, begin by stretching. That way you won't pull any muscles."

I started stretching. I know from personal experience what happens when you don't stretch and believe me it hurts.

Finally, Guy-sensei blew the whistle again. "Okay, now I want to test your speed. All the boys on that line," he pointed to the left. "And all the girls on that line," he pointed to the right. We all lined up on the respective lines.

"Okay, Naruto you can stop." Naruto finished running and collapsed on the floor behind the boys line out of breath.

"P-poor Naruto." I noodled my head in agreement to Hinata. Soon enough, though, he got up and got on the line.

"Okay. Get ready." We all got in running positions while Guy-sensei got out a stop watch. "Get ready." His arm raised in the air. "Go!" He released us as his arm came down.

We all took off running. Well, mostly. Quite a few girls were walking and complaining. Something about not wanting to get all sweaty in front of Sasuke. I rolled my eyes. Those girls really need to get lives that don't revolve around Sasuke.

Run, run, run. That's all I could think of. By the time I finished, I had passed up all but one girl and quite a few guys. Sasuke and Naruto, however, still beat me in speed. I didn't mind Naruto beating me, but my blood boiled at the thought of Sasuke being better than me. It made me so mad that my heart beat faster at the ugly sight of him.

I truly did hate him.

"Okay, now to test your arm strength! Time for pull-ups!"

We girls went before the boys. Very few of us girls got over one. I was able to do the most pull-ups out of the girls. Only a few boys haven't gone and none have yet beat my my mark of 41 pull-ups completed.

An now only one person remained.

Sasuke Uchiha.

Girls started counting. 1, 2, 3 and all the way up to 39. His arms were starting to shake from the strain of his weight. 40. Only one more and we'll be tied. 41. And then 42. His arms gave out and he dropped back down to the ground. Girls started surrounding him telling him about how good he did and how awesome he is. My eyebrows furrowed together.

"Are you okay?" I nodded my head.

"Hinata, how can I beat him?"

"I-I don't know."

"Okay everyone, you can go out and get changed." Guy-sensei gave us another stupid thumbs up.

I sighed and followed Hinata into the locker room to get changed.

"Hey, how long do you think detention lasts?"

"Neji told me an hour and a half." I groaned. Another hour and a half until I could go home.

We walked out of the locker room and sat down on the bleachers. There was only five minutes left of class, then a whole another hour and a half for me.

"I still haven't figured out how I'm gonna tell my parents that I got four days of detention."

"Do you think they'll get mad?"

"Oh, I'd be surprised if I get grounded for less than two weeks."

The bell rang, cutting our conversation short.

"See you tomorrow Kaya!" Hinata have me a small wave and walked off.

I sighed and walked to the detention room. I sat down in the desk closest to the door because as soon as it's time to go, I'm going.

Sasuke shortly came in with Sakura following close behind like the little puppy she is. Luckily, they sat in the back of the room far away from me.

"Haha. I thought they were kidding when they said some students already got detention." A scary looking man came in. "I admit I've seen students have detention on the second or third day, but never on the first. I didn't think anyone was stupid enough to either. Guess I was wrong. I'm Ibiki-sensei. Now you are gonna sit there for the next hour and a half. And you're gonna be quiet about it!"


The only sound audible in the room was the ticking of the clock on the wall. For the past one hour and twenty minutes, I have literally done nothing. Any other day and I could've done homework or something, but not today. Because there was none thankfully.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. I wish detention was over. For the whole time I've been in here, I've felt menacing glares on the back of my head.

"Okay, you are dismissed kiddies." Quickly, I jolted from my chair and was out the door.

[so comment, vote, follow, spread the word. I feel so bad for Kaya:( stupid detention. Bye:)]

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