Chapter 25: The Beginning of the Storm

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Kaya's POV
It's been a few weeks since Sasuke's older brother Itachi came back. Not only has this resulted in Sasuke being at my house more often, but it's made him quite irritable. Which means me and him have gotten into a lot more meaningless fights.

And what's weird is today he left the classroom right after the bell ending fourth period rang. He didn't wait for me. So here I am walking with Hinata to lunch.

"I don't get him." I sighed trying to think about reasons why Sasuke would be getting this irritated over his brother being home.

"Kaya, maybe it's a family matter."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Sasuke's family is very rich and well known."

"But I've never hear of them before. Who are they?"

"Well, Sasuke's father is the president and owner of the Uchiha Transportation Company, or UTC a most everyone knows them by."

Now that she mentioned it, I had seen the UTC symbol around before.

"Anyway, Sasuke's older brother Itachi is the next in line to take over the company. So Sasuke could be upset for any given number of reasons. Maybe like, Sasuke wants to take control after their father retires. Or maybe he doesn't ever want to see his father retire. But anyway, the point is that Sasuke still has a lot of expectations to live up to. And since Itachi is back in town, more expectations might have been forced upon him. And he's just getting irritated from all of the stress."

"Hmm. I guess that could make someone into a total jerk."

"And wasn't it you Kaya, who said that Sasuke was a jerk to begin with?"

"Yeah but... Things are different now." I unconsciously started fingering the necklace that Sasuke gave me. The back of it was warm from being on my neck, while the front was cold to the touch. In many ways it comforted me and made me forget about all the fights we've had. "So wait. What about you? You obviously must be rich to go to this school right?"

"Yeah. My family owns the Hyuga Airline Company. Or HAC. A lot of families own companies or corporations. Ino's family for example owns the Yamanaka Flower Company. And Sakura's is the Haruno Electric Company. The only one whose family doesn't own a company is Naruto. His father is the Fourth Hokage."

"You mean his dad is one of the most influential people around?"


"We are talking about the same knucklehead here?"

"Yep!" She gave me a nice smile. So pretty much everyone's family is famous. But where does that leave me? "Kaya, are you sulking?"

I hadn't realized it, but I guess I was feeling down. It certainly did leave me thinking why Sasuke would love someone like me. Someone not rich. Someone who he's never had to deal with before.

We finally reached the cafeteria. Receiving my food, I went and sat down, playing with my food. I just wasn't hungry. Too many things were going through my head. I didn't even notice when Sasuke sat down. It wasn't until after he grabbed my hand that I realized he was there. Seeing his face made me think about what Hinata said.

"Kaya, did you hear me?" I shook my head.

"No. What did you say?"

"I said I wouldn't be able to drive you home today."

"Oh, okay." Heavy disappointment was clearly heard on my voice. Ignoring everyone's stares, I went back to picking at my food.

It just wasn't the same without Sasuke. Walking alone just felt so cold. So empty. So unnatural. It seems so weird.

As I walking, a car slowed down beside me. For a second I thought it was Sasuke's, but after looking at it, I realized it wasn't. It was a Nissan GT-R like Sasuke's, but instead of being black, it was a dark blue. Instinctively, I started walking faster. But the car just sped up to match my brisk pace. Soon the window rolled down.

"Hey! You're Sasuke's girlfriend, correct?" I stopped and looked at the person. Sitting behind the wheel was Itachi Uchiha.

"You're Itachi right?" I walked to the car a little and looked in through the window.

"Yes. How about you get in and we go get coffee or something. My treat!"

I didn't know if I could trust Sasuke's older brother. Something has to be up to make Sasuke hate him. But this could be my chance. Maybe I could find out why Sasuke hates him. Why Itachi being back in town had made him so irritable.

Curiosity, getting the best of me, made me get into the car with Itachi. True to his word though, he did take me to a public coffee shop.

Sasuke's POV
"Damn Itachi! Saying he wanted to talk to me about certain things and then making me have to drive around town looking for him," I mumbled, casting my eyes on both sides of the road. So far, I still haven't found his car. I kept driving a few more blocks until I saw his car at a coffee place. I pulled up and got out. Right as I walked in, my eyes landed on Itachi. But then they strayed to who was with him. Kaya.

Kaya's POV
My mouth gaped open. I can't believe of what Itachi just told me to do.

"Why would you say that?" My voice came out barely above a whisper.

"You want to protect Sasuke, don't you? As long as you two are together, he will never be safe from ridicule. He would have to face heavy criticism if they found out you're just an ordinary girl. Our father isn't pleased about it either. So it would be wise if you just broke up with him."

[so comment, vote, follow, spread the word. Ooo, Itachi's being evil o.O Bye:)]

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