46: DINNER with the DEVIL

Start from the beginning

"Well, you can say goodbye to that game. Especially now," Javana said in a dark whisper.

"What are you telling me, hmm? We will find her. Her curse will prevent her from leaving the Dauntless. You said so."

Hansel soaked in every word and couldn't believe what she was hearing. She wished she could remember more of her past and where she came from so she could secretly send this information. But with whatever illusions the king and the princess had on their people, she probably couldn't trust anyone...except Kit. Where did that boy disappear too?

"Sir Alsindad Larius. Does his name ring a bell?"

"He's dead. I've been wondering how I should tell his father." He broke into a grin.

"No. He's not," Javana said and stood erect.

Edrich threw darts at the woman, "Javana what have you been doing?"

"Nothing until as of late. Trying to save your careless arse."

"Sir, I blame myself," the wraith said giving a half bow, "I had collected what armor I found and showed them to you."

"Right and Alsindad's was in the mix. What did he do climb out of his armor and went for a walk, Facilier? Javana?" He jumped to his feet and paced.

"Galiathan. He had to have helped him in the Doom somehow," Javana snarled.

"No. This can't be," the king said worry claiming his face. "Did he sell him to her?"

"Like he does all of them," Facilier said.

"Why am I just hearing this?" he shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls. The Triad Knights did not indicate that they heard it for they continued to whisper and talk amongst themselves.

"Actually, sir, I found out just a week ago when I had my meeting with Stein at our hideout. He told me about the new purchase of Kaahiss."

"Still you both knew all this week!"

"Like I said Edrich. You need to let her go. So I took matters into my own hands."

"And look where it's gotten us. Now she can leave the Dauntless. There is no castle to bind her. And she's with two soothers and worse of all one is a Mirror-sooth, which I have no doubt he would find out by Galiathan some how! You stupid whore!"

Mirror-sooth, Hansel sharply inhaled, impossible.

"I wasn't the one who suggested to send the knight on the quest. That was your call. And don't you dare call me out of my name you wrinkled old bastard."

He gasped then growled, waving his fists in the air. "Now what?" He paced, long hard strides about the room. He returned with an idea.

"I know what to do. Sir Alsindad is a reasonable man. A reasonable trade should do the trick. Her for his damn father."

"There's a problem with that..."

"What? What did you do now?"

"I did nothing. Actually, I thought of the same plan. However..."

"However... however... where is my fool?" he screamed in her face. She barely flinched.

"He's gone too."

"Javana! Our only possible leverage is gone!"

"It was not my fault. One of the raptors I sent met with Facilier wounded. He described Galiathan and a little boy helping Allen escape."

Edrich gave a vicious growl then slapped Javana hard across the face. She crashed to the floor. He spun back around to face a wide-eyed Hansel. He sharply inhaled then slowly released the air. At the same time, he calmed his enraged face, but his eyes stayed stone cold. He gestured to a servant standing nearby and he disappeared into the adjoined kitchen. While Javana regathered herself, he sat back down, grabbed his napkin and placed it on his lap.

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