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Five Months Later...

I lean against the balcony of our mansion, eyeing the beach bellow, letting the saltwater breeze blow through my hair.

It's been five months since I broke the Wolves out of jail.

Five months since Josh died.

Five months since we've came to Rio De Janeiro.

I remember back when we we're driving away from the Miami prison, after I said the place we should go, I thought I got some odd looks about picking a city in Brazil which was too far away.  But instead, I got looks of admiration and curiosity. Liv even said it was the perfect place to hide since no one would suspect us of being there.

After we drove to our mansion to see if any of our belongings were still there and were disappointed and angry to see none except our clothes that were packed in boxes in the basement, we threw them on and quickly made up some fake IDs with the cards the gang had in the pockets to their jail jumpsuits.

Soon, we were off on the road when we decided we should rob a bank since we didn't have a lot of money. While Ricky, Louis, Jackie, Sweet Pea, and Jerry robbed a bank nearest to the airport, the rest of us stayed in the car. For with just five empty guns and one ski mask- the rest of them had to cover the lower half of their face with their shirts-, it went rather smoothly. When they came out with a duffle bag and plastic market bags that were in the glove compartment full of cash, we took off to the airport, and it ran smoothly. We weren't recognized from our fake IDs and since we had sunglasses and hats on, it completed our disguises. And we didn't get accused of all of the money we had since Louis, as devious as he is, managed to sneak out to the airplanes before we went in and hide the money underneath the airplane.

 It took about 27 or 28 hours to get to Brazil, and 24 minutes to get to Rio De Janeiro. My phone and iPod ran out of power and that was left was a new book I bought to read and to sleep.

The minute we landed in Rio, Ricky suggested we buy another mansion. We managed to buy one that didn't wasn't extremely expensive and it overlooked the beach and city lights.

Ricky is the leader of the Wolves now. He calls the shots and calls meetings every now and then, but not that much since there's not much to have a meeting about.

We have money, weapons we bought six months ago, and a mansion just as beautiful as the one in Miami.

What more could we ask for?

I think about my life back in Seattle and what would've happened if I stayed.

Would I would've been happy?

Would Mom only spend a month with me before going back to work?

Is she even upset that I'm gone?

Is Kristen?

Is she mad that I left her?

I look at the sky, willing God to send a message to her, telling her I miss her and that I love her. I hope it gets to her.

But I'm happy now, as happy as I could ever have been.

Through all five months, we have been buying alcohol they sell on the beach and swimming and tanning there. Going to clubs on the other side the city and dancing to the sounds of drums and other instruments. We went to Carnival a month ago and I still of pictures on my camera and a few videos on my phone of it.

I still remember it as one of the happiest times of my life. I was wearing a handful of beaded necklaces that clanged every time I walked or jumped, a blue tank top that dipped low, showing the tops of breasts, and tight, magenta-colored shorts with high heels. I blame Nicki and Jackie for agreeing with them when they suggest to buy my outfit for Carnival for me. Ricky's warm, strong arms were around my waist and he kissed down my neck as I sipped from my strawberry martini that they sold around the stadiums.

It was so magical, seeing all of those people dancing in the streets as they waited for the colorful floats to come down the street.

It's a memory I'll cherish forever.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I feel two strong arms I know so well wrap around my waist.

I lean into Ricky's embrace and slowly turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck and look up into his hazel eyes. I trace my hands over his sculpted, tattooed chest and smile, trailing my finger over the tattoo of my name on his collarbone.


I have his name on my collarbone too, across my heart in cursive.


I've gotten quite a lot of tattoos over the past five months.


Four if you count the one of Ricky's name.

I have one of stars trailing down the back of my neck, an infinity tattoo on right wrist, and a butterfly on between my shoulder blades on my back, blue, black, and beautiful.

I look up at Ricky and caress his jaw, smooth since he shaved a few weeks ago.

He smiles and kisses my head, keeping his chin on my head before he stares down at me, making my knees weak.

God, I love this man.

"Wanna go down to the beach?" he asks.

I laugh a little, knowing that the beach is something Ricky's obsessed with now, and nod.

"Sure," I say before he surprises me by leaning down and kissing my lips.

And in that moment, there's no other place I would rather be than right here, right now.

(A/N: Sorry for the really crappy ending. I couldn't think of anything. But I hope you guys enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Feel free to vote or comment below about anything.)

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