Chapter Thirty Two

875 31 3

Wrote by firerose11


I'm so mad at you right now. Furious! You haven't written me in weeks!

Weeks! I thought we were going to write each other more frequently than that! Then I have to find out from the tabloids, the unreliable tabloids, that my best friend is locking lips with the prince again!

However, I will forgive you, partly because I'm a gracious friend and partly because I know that you've had a long three weeks. Also, I'm hoping you'll forgive me in return for not writing you as often, due to the fact that I've been exhausted.

My boyfriend's been sneaking in late at night after my parents are asleep, and I've never been this thrilled to date a boy, Embs. He's everything that my mother doesn't want me to fall in love with.

Anyway, you need to write me as soon as you get this letter! I want to hear all the glamorous, colored details from you!


I laughed before pulling a piece of paper off the desk and penning a letter back to her per her request. The remaining three groups had been announced the day before, and Savannah, Abigail, and I had crowded into Savannah's room to celebrate staying a while longer.

"Can you tell me now what the next part is going to consist of?" Savannah asked, throwing food towards us before flopping down on the rug beside us. "Everyone's going to know by dinner anyway."

Abigail and I exchanged a look, ignoring the pleading eyes of the other girl.

"Why not?" I said with a shrug, looking back towards Savannah. "You're going to have to acted shocked when it's announced though and no tattling to the others about it."

Savannah nodded solemnly, an action that was quickly canceled out by the way she leaned forward eagerly.

"Well, we were told by an unknown source," Abigail started, "that the last portion is going to involve us having to perform domestic tasks."

Her eyes bugged out in shock, and we watched as her mouth struggled to form words. She looked like a fish that had been pulled out of water and left to die.

"I—I can't cook to save my life! What about those of the Selected that have never had to perform that sort of work!" Savannah finally managed, staring at us both in desperation.

"Ask their maids once they find out about the elimination. That's what I've been doing," I answered. "I can mend a tear in clothing, make a bed, sweep properly, clean, and I already knew how to cook before I came."

She moaned and fell spread-eagle on the floor. "I'm so dead!"

Abigail laughed. "I bet you don't go home quite yet. There'll be at least one family who pulls their daughter from the Selection because of this."

"I need chocolate," Savannah muttered, reaching out a hand, where Abigail plopped a bag of chocolate.


Well, Abigail was correct. There was two families that tried to pull their daughters out of the Selection after they heard about their "temporary conversion to maids" as one mom cleverly stated it.

Carmen Berry was the girl who stormed out of the dining room to immediately go phone her parents and tell them that she was going home.

The other girl didn't want to go home especially after what the prince had told her. Instead, her wonderful meddling parents came to drag her from the palace. . .

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