Chapter Fifteen

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The past few days have gone by quickly and boringly. They were all spent the same way: breakfast, ladies room, lunch, gym, ladies room, dinner. Nothing exciting has happened. Unless, of course, having a lousy maid who has messed up at least a dozen pairs of shoes counts as exciting.

Then again, I have spent an hour for the last couple of days with the prince. The other girls can't say that. Most of the haven't even been on a date with him yet. None of them know about our secret workout sessions. I doubt anyone would find it really impressive that he has seen how much I sweat when I run five miles, but then again none of these girls are normal.

I sit quietly in the Women's Room. I pick up a magazine from the table. While I have sat in this room, I have read at least 95 percent of the magazines that are in here. I asked Chris about it and she told me that they only get new magazines every Friday, which doesn't make any sense. Do you really need a schedule for when I get my Vogue?

The women's room door quickly opens and slams shut. We all look up to see Sarah smiling happily, her cheeks coated with a light blush. She runs over to a couch where Savannah and April are sitting. They begin whispering quietly although I can tell they are struggling to. I look back down at my magazine.

"You what?" April says loudly. Everyone looks back over at them again. The attention has brought a blush to each of their cheeks. 

"Hush, April," Sarah says. Bexley sits up straighter next to me and uncrosses her legs. She puts her magazine down on the coffee table in front of us.

"What is it, Sarah?" she asks. Sarah looks over at her nervously.

"Nothing," Sarah answers. Bexley moves up so her back is no longer against the couch and she is sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Really? Because it sure didn't seem like nothing when you came in here so excitedly, blushing and smiling like a little girl," Bexley says. Sarah opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. When Savannah sees her, she crosses her arms.

"Bexley, leave her alone," Savannah says. Bexley stands up and crosses her arms.

"But I'm not doing anything. I am just asking her a question," Bexley says. Savannah looks over at the others.

"Fine. I had a date with the prince," Sarah says. She stands up so it doesn't appear like she is cowering, but it doesn't help her because Bexley still towers at least a foot over her. Bexley raises her eyebrows.

"A date? You had a date with the prince?" Bexley asks. Sarah nods. "This is what you are so excited about? Plenty of us have had dates with the prince. Just because you went to ride horses with him or you held hands in his private movie theater doesn't mean anything," Bexley spits. Sarah opens her mouth but nothing comes out again.

At that moment, the door opens and the queen walks in with Princess Ash in her arms. We all quickly stand to curtsy but her eyes are on Bexley and Sarah. She puts Ash on the ground. Ash runs over to the corner where the queen usually sits and begins playing with some dolls.

"Is everything okay, ladies?" Queen Celia asks. Bexley smiles and nods, the complete opposite of how she looked 30 seconds ago.

"Yes, ma'am, Queen Celia. Sarah and me were just having a discussion and we got a little too into it," Bexley answers. Queen Celia has an expression on her face that says she isn't impressed by her excuse but she still walks over to her table and sits down.

Bexley quickly walks out the room. I excuse myself and walk out after her. I look down the hallway and she is already nowhere to be seen.


I run on the treadmill. I look down at the meter and it tells me that I have ran six miles, longer than I normally run. Prince Charles looks over at me.

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