Ch 20: Love Triangle

Start from the beginning

"No, you stay here I'll talk to him" Jacob said.



When I got to the club I stormed in the office where Chres was. "What the fuck are you doing? I asked him even though we weren't talking I had to know what was going on in his head.

"Man what? He asked.

"Your clown ass fucking girlfriend stormed in Blake's store showing off her engagement ring. So these are the hoes we marry now?

"What you doing in her store in the first place" Chres said getting up. "NIGGA THAT DONT HAVE SHIT TO DO WITH ANYTHING " I yelled shaking him. He pushed me off. "Man it was an accident chill" he yelled.

"What the hell do you mean it was an accident? I asked looking at him confused as day

"She was looking under the bed and saw a red velvet box. She assumed It was for her and was excited as hell and I didn't know how to break it to her. I need help man too much shit going on" he admitted

"Shit going on over here too" I chuckled.

"I'm sorry bro" he said. "It's all good" I said walking over. We ended up dapping each other up then hugging.

"Fuck man Blake is gonna go off" Chres said. "Call her and tell her the truth man I mean its that simple why you acting clueless now" I said

"It's not simple man shit would crush her heart" He said

"So Chy's feelings are better then Blake's" I asked

"I guess so " Blake said walking in. I knew I couldn't save him from this one. I just needed to go home and work shit out with my wife.


I was so damn angry for not putting the ring somewhere else. Angry for myself not telling the truth and just putting Blake in this predicament.

"Listen to me Bl-

"You fucking bastard, you proposed to this snotty nose bitch that you only knew for a year with my fucking ring. So are you going to tell her that we've been having sex again, no actually bump her. All those I love you's, I want my family back and I miss you's were all fake huh? She said calmly but I could tell at any moment she would cry. I felt so ashamed

"Blake it's not even like that

"What the fuck is it like Chres? Huh this bitch came in my shop and humiliated me. It took everything in me not to stomp her to the fucking ground. The disrespect not only that she came in there all buck with her girlfriends like they were gonna do something." She screamed

"You gave her my fucking ring" she shouted punching my arm. I took a deep breath "Look where not going to this today, don't touch me" I said calmly

"Fuck you Chres and to think I felt bad for your ass here I am over here putting my frustrations to the side for you, being there for you at your worse, giving you me and you turn around a propose to her before me. BEFORE ME " she screamed tears were falling down her eyes like crazy and the shit was hurting me to the core.

"Blake I didn't propose to her" I said

"Then who the fuck proposed to her huh? Herself ? God? All these damn years , all the shit we've been through and you just throw it away like that" she pushed me.

"You're shit and I hope you know that" She shouted trying to push me again. I pulled her by her wrists.

"Listen to me , Listen to me I didn't propose to her" I said but it was no point of going back I wouldn't be able to get my point across. Her head was the side and she was still sobbing.

Then how the fuck does she has my ring on her finger huh? How The fuck did it get on her finger. You could have got her her own how disrespectful could you be" she said. She was going off like a true mad woman and there was nothing I could do.

"Blake listen I didn't propose to her she just placed it on her finger" I explained

"No no no, let me go" she said getting out of my grip.

"It's the truth" I said

"Bullshit , I felt bad for your condition and your issues with your dad whole time you were over here using me for sex. While you girlfriend was away. Every time she was away you crawled over here to me. Well, you know what I'm not your damn baby momma you can go in whenever you want" she yelled. And I started to get mad and was a little confused she broke up with me two years ago

"Blake you're the one that broke up with me two years ago. We could have still been together but I guess I was too much for you. Do you really think I'm that kind of nigga to use you. I love you. Now you basically saying fuck what I'm going through" I shouted

"Fuck what you going through, I hope Chyanne sees what kind of fuck nigga you are" She shouted and now she was being disrespectful.

"Fuck what I'm going through? Really? After I invested my time energy and soul into you. Build you up , loved you to death and put you back together with no hesitation and now its fuck me" I shouted.


"ITS NEVER ABOUT ME BLAKE" I yelled back in frustration.

"You ended up breaking me back into pieces. Don't you ever come to my house ever again, Don't talk to me, Don't vent to me, Don't fucking look my way ever again" she cried.

"That's fucked up" she cried leaving out the door. I stood there breathing hard watching her walk out I wiped my eye still sitting there in awe. "Shit" I said knocking the things off my desk.


The pain I felt was unbearable I felt like I was stabbed in my back and in my heart. I broke up with Chres because I wasn't happy and he wasn't making the effort to change but he turns around and marries a hoe he barely knows when we have history. All the blood sweat and tears we went through and he throws all the hope I had that maybe we could possibly work it out was thrown out the door. You would think I would be over him but its because I slept with him. I set my damn self up I couldn't even finish driving I parked to the side crying my heart out. Watching the rainy snow fall down my window.

UGHHHH Chres you didn't try hard enough to explain

Aww Blake is so hurt, she's low-key my spirit animal. I wish i was her lol

Aye Jacob was there lol

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