She sneers and burns me again. "You're not supposed to love him. Your not supposed to feel anything." She keeps burning me.

Finally there's a knock on the door and she stops to open it.

"Why hello Christopher." The old hag walks in. "Goodness I pity you. If only you followed our orders this wouldn't have happened." She 'tsks' and walks in.

"Now Chris do you know what we're going to do?" I don't respond because I don't know.

"We're going to fix you." In comes Dante. I almost smile but... Why is he here?

"Dante!" I call his name but he ignores me. Only smiles but that isn't his smile.

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing and you didn't either. That spell was just to rid your power and well, we stopped controlling Dante only until we took you. Though Xav did make a few appearances." She grins and giggles.

"What lovely sounds you make in bed." He grins and I feel bile make its way up my throat.

"Oh boys."she snickers. "Now first, we have to get ride of this ridiculous mark. It makes me want to die... again. Xav, will you do the honor?"

"My pleasure." He places Dante's hand on the mark and then it burns with his fire. My heart breaks into a million pieces. For seconds I swore I stopped breathing but that didn't matter to me. Dante was fading away.

"No!" I screamed. The room begins to shake and move from side to side.

They all look at me with smiles on their faces. The old hag walks closer to me and stops once she's right next to me. She places her hands on either side of my face and my head begins to pulse.

"What are you doing!?"

"Erasing those emotions of yours that are quite burdening. You'll be good as new once I'm done." I look at Dante. "Oh and your lover, we're going to kill him." Before I can respond she presses her fingers into my head and I scream.

I scream so hard never looking away from Dante.

(Gosh I really love these) alright before you read forward just to clarify my story takes place during a modern age just evolved and different in some ways from our world today. Things are different and rules are different. There are no presidents but rulers. Any questions just ask and I'll make sure to answer them. I have no idea why I'm telling you now instead of at the beginning of the book. Lol oh well.

Bring the next ruler to us.

Your lover is dead.

You can't feel emotions.

You're empty.

You're our puppet.

"Excuse me are you okay?" My eyes fly open and I sit up on the bench. I look down at the little girl with a big bright pink coat. Her little cheeks are pink from the cold and her eyes look at me with worry.

"Elise don't talk to strangers." Her mother walks to her and grabs her hand. Elise doesn't take her eyes off me as her mom drags her away.

I remember the images of Dante getting cut up in pieces. His screams... Xav left his body specifically for him to feel the pain. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I didn't feel the sadness I should have felt.

You will wake up in America.

Find the next ruler and offer your services.

Contact us once you find him.

We'll tell you when and where to take him.

I recall them tell me. It's as if I'm listening to a CD on replay. I cannot get it out of my head. This time it's different. I'm following their orders not because I want to but because they do. I cannot fight it. I'm not in control anymore, they are. And with Dante gone... I have nothing to live for.

I look down at my attire. They put me in all black. (Image at the top) i then look at my hands and fingers, moving them as if to reassure myself that I am still me.

Go now.

I begin walking. Do I know where he is? No, but my body does. It's as if I'm on... Autopilot.

The sky darkens and the streets grow quiet. Do people not go out at night?

All the buildings, the houses, the streets, they're different from Europe. They're more evolved or... No... It's only bad over there because of the wars. Here it's calm and quiet. Too quiet.

"Sir!" I turn around and see an officer flashing his light in my eyes. "You can't be out this late. Please make your way home or to a hotel."

"Why not?" I ask him.

He raises his eyebrow and runs his fingers through his hair. "Ah... Where are you from?"

"Europe." His eyes widen.

"You can't be here." He starts talking into a device but I interrupt him.

"Why can't I be here?"

"The treaty. Our rules, the ones that separate America from Europe. No one can go over there and no one can come over here. There aren't any planes that take people back and forth. How did you get here?" He reaches for the gun in his belt.

"What will happen to me?" He takes out his gun and shoots. I sprint behind him and I snap his neck.

He didn't know I was from Europe until I told him. I guess I'll keep that a secret.

I look around and continue walking.

Now why wouldn't people be allowed out at night? Seems like a waste. The night is beautiful.

Somehow I know I'm going to walk for a lengthy time. I can't help roll my eyes, why couldn't they have put me somewhere closer?

I walk to where my feet take me and 12 hours later the sun begins to rise.

Omergerd y'all are probably wondering what the hell is going on!?!?!! Am I right? Yeah well this is actually the introduction of the 2nd arc as well as the end of the first one. Yes yes I have arcs XD pretty cool right?

Who wants to guess what happens next?

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