I sighed. “It was a mistake.”

“You wasn’t saying that the second time,” Katrina butt in. I turned to her.

“Shut the fuck up,” I sneered.

“But I wouldn’t lie to you Marcus. This is your baby, I w-wouldn’t lie to you,” she stammered.

“But you lied to me, didn’t you?" Sha’riah asked with a deep frown. She sniffed in return.

“What?" Katrina asked.

“Don’t ‘what’ me. You said I wouldn’t know who the dad was, and now I discover it was my own best friend? Why didn’t you just tell me?" She sniffed again.

“I knew how you’d react,” she croaked. Sha’riah stared at her with a clenched jaw. If looks could kill...

“I knew there was something bad about you when you showed up on my doorstep," she said coldly. Katrina watched her with slight fear in her eyes.

“What do you—”

“I ain’t done!” Riah cut her. “My mum kicked me out because of you."


"Your fucking pregnancy test you foolish bitch."

She looked down ashamed. "I’m sorry—"

"Sorry won’t bring back my mum’s trust and respect for me. Sorry won’t get me back into my home either. I don’t want your fucking apologies. Just make sure I don’t see you again,” she silenced her and walked into the kitchen. Katrina stood there dumbfounded. I looked at her in disgust.

“Just fuck of Katrina, you’ve caused enough problems.” She sighed.

“Marcus—” I slammed the door in her face and went to the kitchen to see to Riah.


I sat down at the kitchen table and felt slightly empty inside. I couldn’t understand why I was so bothered by the fact that Marcus and Katrina had sex…more than once. It sickened me more than anything. I was actually convinced that they hated each other since primary, and now she may be pregnant with his child? It just didn’t seem right. It was even more wrong knowing that I was somewhat angry about the fact that they beat. I shouldn’t really care—I mean it’s only Marcus.

So why was I upset?

I felt betrayed for some reason, and I shouldn’t. It’s not like we’re together. Not even gonna lie sometimes it felt like it.

I sighed, now feeling like a fool. It’s obvious I like him then; otherwise I wouldn’t give two fucks. Instead I’m sat here feeling sorry for myself. I always knew Marcus was the type to 'mash and dash' but that didn’t stop me from being attracted to him. I’ve tried so hard to look past his good looks and charm, but nothing ever worked. And even though Marcus strongly denies this baby, I had a feeling it would be his.

“Riah," he said softly. I didn’t look up; instead I stared at the wooden table, avoiding eye-contact. I didn’t want him to know I was upset, that would just show my weakness. He stepped even closer, and I heard his light breathing drawing closer to me. He lightly touched my shoulder but I immediately shrugged his hand off. He sighed.

“Talk to me,” he said.

“What is there to talk about?” I asked plainly. He stood before me and watched me, but even still I didn’t make eye contact.

“She isn’t having my child, Sha’riah.”

“Well she’s having someone’s.”

“Exactly, but not mine. It’s not like I’m her first.”

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