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Song: Peaches - pickles
(this song is weird but its kinda cool too so idk)

"O-okay okay, gimme one more shot!" Rosie shook her head in disgust as one more shot were thrown down her throat. "Wow! Yes this is some good shit! Hei April, tr-y try try!"She shouted before almost throwing the drink on me. "No I don't drink" I couldn't help but start to worry about all this. It was supposed to just be a party, without alcohol. "Why you such a little girl, drink it already!" Rosie said annoyed. I rolled my eyes at her drunk behaviour. "We're not old enough, and you should stop with those shots. You're wasted!" I took the glass away from her before standing up from the chair looking for an exit. 

As I looked, someone else caught my attention. "Hey babe" a boy with short chocolate brown hair stood in from of me. Wow he was a very tall guy. "Nope" i mumbled to myself before turning away from the guy hearing he mumble something like 'bitch' before leaving. This was my first time out and i couldn't say i was impressed. Im sure i was the only one sober, what a boring life you might think. But no i'm actually having quite the fun being the sober one. But instead of being the partybuzzer, i decided to just let loose. I let my hips shake on the dance floor as i danced with the drunk teenagers that had sneaked out from their parents. "Wow will you look at thaaat!" Rosie bounced into me, we both laughing having a great time. "Yeaaaah gurlie i told'ya that alcohol's fun!" she grinned before sipping her drink. Instead of having the 'i dont wanna drink' discussion again, i just nodded and continued the crazy dance me and my bestfriend was in the middle of. Speaking of bestfriend, where the heck was Emily? I looked around but the cute little brunette was no where to be found. I felt myself start to worry as i knew Emily wasnt used to these kinds of things either. And i know for sure she would tell me if she was going home.

"Im gonna look for Emily!" i shouted to Rosie who just nodded at me before going back to her grinding with some random dude.  I pushed through the crowd and went outside in the cold chilly weather taking my phone up from my purse. I pressed the cold phone into my ear a little stressed out. Please dont be laying somewhere dead, please- "Hey you've reached Emilyyy's phone, im not available right now but if you're lucky i'll call you back later" and then the pip came. I let out a sigh before hurrying inside the party again trying to find her. Maybe she had too much to drink and she was feeling sick... I rushed towards the ladies room and was met by a redhead having a makeout session with her boyfriend, or i hope its her boyfriend.

"Emily?" i yelled but no one answered, the only thing i got was some creepy looks from the girl and the boy who had turned their attention towards me. "i..uh" was all i said before almost running outside. Well that was embarrassing...

Where the hell was my friend? Just as i was about to go outside again i heard a weak voice behind me. "Oh my god Em, what the heck happened to you?" The little cute brunette wasn't as cute anymore as she used to be. Her mascara was smeared all over her face along with her red lipstick. The girl looked like a mess.
"I-uh im not feeling very well" just when she finished the sentence her face made an ugly grimase. "No- no do not throw-" but before i could finish, there was vomit all over my dress and shoes. Wow, this day couldn't have gone any better. 

"Ugh we need to get you home" I sighed having Emily resting on my shoulder as we stood outside taking some fresh air. "No! My parents cant see me like this!" She panicked and i rolled my eyes. Then where are we supposed to go? "Well we cant go to my place either because its crowded.." I bit my lip annoyed. Emily shivered as the chilly wind hit us. "Here" i said giving her my jacket. She thanked me before wrapping it around her tiny body. "Im so sorry about this April" she sighed looking at me with her sorry eyes. "No its okay...i think i might know a place we can go" i sighed finding my phone again.

"Well i really dont hope you've had a single drink tonight because you're not old enough yet and its just bad for you" "and dont forget to take those shoes and the dress off outside the house, you stink" Harry parked inside his parking house. I rolled my eyes and mumbled a no.

"No no no Mr.Styles i promise you that April did not drink, she's too boring for that" Emily laughed. Harry turned against me and i bursted out in laughter. "She's so drunk" i told him and he mumbled 'no shit' before getting out of the car. "Is he pissed at me?" Emily whined. "Yeah you just filled his car with disgusting vomit, i dont think you're his favorite person today" i said and she giggled. "C'mon girls, we need to get you cleaned up" I smiled at how Harry was so protecting and caring. When i called, he didn't even hesitate with picking us up.  "Wow this place is da booomb!" Emily said in amusement. I laughed looking at Harry who tried to hide is smirk. "So Emily, i havent introduced you to Harry before. He knows my parents" I looked at Harry who smirked at me, knowing the truth. "Oh stop it, i know you two are together, its like old news" She laughed and my eyes widened.

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