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Listen to while reading: Here - Alessia Cara

Wow. Wow was the only thing i could come up with. We had arrived the tall building that said "STYLES ENTERPRISES" and the venue was beautiful. This wasnt some of the old frat parties that were held before. It looked like those venues Barbie went to at her princess events. It looked like a freaking wedding?!
Me and Emily was standing outside waiting for the last person in our gang. Rosie. The slut. Okay im sorry. I know they are my friends and i should love them with all my heart and blah blah but that girl is slutty, i love her though.

"Well hello, who the heck are you?!" The ridiculous hot girl looked at me while grinning. I laughed a little, awkwardly. "Hey im still me" i tried to sound excited but failed and i just gave up. "So have you heard it?" She came closer like she had this huge thing to tell. I looked at Emily who looked back at me before we paid attention to Rosie again. "So you both know that the Styles Enterprises is the one hosting this event right?" We both nodded waiting for her to just come to the point. "Well the CEO of the whole company Mr.Styles himself is here tonight!" She said excited. Emily's eyes got huge and she began to 'fangirl' with Rosie. I felt uncomfortable standing there knowing nothing. "And your point is exactly?" She looked at me like i was stupid and begin to exchange looks with Emily.

"Enough of that, please just tell me?" I scoffed annoyed. I just wanted to be home in my bed. How lovely that would have been.
"Oh darling, just wait until you meet him. You'll understand everything" she smirked and winked to Emily who grinned like an idiot.

There were notes with our names on telling us where to sit. Hopefully i would sit next to one of my friends but i doubt it.
Everyone just went around and mingled a bit and all the girls were talking about how excited they were to see this Mr.Styles man. All i knew about him was that he was ridiculous rich and a very successful businessman who had companies all over the world.
That interested me actually a bit. Suddenly we heard someone talk in the microphone. It was a tall man with grey hair, not very stylish if you ask me. Was this Mr.Styles? Well if i were as rich as he was i'd do something with my hair.

"Good evening everyone and welcome! We in Styles enterprises are honoured to host this 'party' as you young people call it. Please find your names on the table and take a seat" everybody did as he told and i went around looking for a while before i spotted my name. Right next to... Arnold and his friends...Oh gosh no.

"Hello April" he smiled before pulling his glasses up on his nose. I gave him a little smile. There were Arnold the boy with that Belfast accent, Frankie the smart Asian girl and Calum who killed it in science.
Nobody i knew was sitting at this table. There were plenty of small round tables and of all of them, i ended up with the geeks. They liked me tho, but i felt a bit uncomfortable around Arnold. He would always say these really weird things, like asking what juice is my favourite and if i could kiss him with green lipstick. Apparently some fetish he had.

"Now, that we've all found our places i would like to introduce you to the CEO of Styles' Enterprises - Mr.Harry Styles himself." The room was filled with applause and whistling but i lost focus on something else.

A man about 25-28 years old walked out on the stage. He was wearing a tight black suit with the first buttons on his white shirt opened. He had tattoos, a butterfly or something, he was wearing a middle long cross necklace and he had long, brown curly hair. He was very good looking.

"Welcome everyone, as my employee Stan here said so are we honoured to be hosting this event. You're all on your way into the adult life which means you have to get a job and start a career. "
All the girls were talking about how hot he was and were giggling like young teenage girls.
Suddenly i felt his gaze on me. I looked down at the table awkwardly before i looked up again and met his eyes. His eyes were burning into mine before he looked away. I got this weird feeling in my body. Oh c'mon April, he's like 28 years and probably a manwhore because no real gentleman is that good looking.

"We in Styles Enterprises have been offering some classes to your school that includes advices about business and how to reach something we call success. As a thank to the school for letting us teach you we decided to host this evening. We hope everyone enjoys the night. And just to be clear, no alcohol for students underage." He then thanked for the attention and got of the stage.
"April?" I jumped a little before turning to Arnold. He looked at me a bit worried. "Are you okay?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah i just zoned out for a little while" he nodded before joining the conversation with his geek friends. Something about math, i wasnt really into joining the convo so i just sat there like an idiot.

After the food everybody just mingled. Somebody were dancing and somebody kicked out because they didnt know how to drink alcohol when theres younger people around. Emily and Rosie was nowhere to be found. I sighed and sat by myself in the corner checking my phone. As usual, nothing happened.
Suddenly i felt someone placing their hand on my shoulder. I looked up to meet Mr.Styles' green eyes. Oh my... Holy moly was it even legal to look like this?

"Hello darling" he smiled. He sat down besides me and took a sip from what looked like Champagne.
"Is there a reason you're sitting here all alone?" He asked looking at me serious. I shook my head. "Not really, my friends or whatever they are left me" i chuckled of how ridiculous i must been looking. "Enjoying the evening?" He asked putting his arm behind my head. I shifted in the seat nervously. "I- i think im just going to leave soon anyway" i said before taking my purse with me. He took my arm and pulled me down on the couch again.
"What's your name sweetheart?" He smiled. "A-April, April Greasily" i stuttered quiet embarrassed of my surname. People thought i meant Weasley because of that guy from the Harry Potter movies. Every damn time.

"Well April Greasily tell me about yourself" he put his leg over the other and waited for an answer while smirking. I felt my face burning up. Gosh i was not good at handling stress. "I-I'm 16 - turning 17 in October, i - there's not really much to tell" i looked down to my hands and started picking on my nails.
"Im Harry, i run this company" before he could finish, my thought accidentally slipped out of my mouth. "No shit sherlock" oh my god. I did not just say that. What the hell was wrong with me?!
"Sassy aren't we?" He smirked at me. I chuckled quietly muttering a little sorry before pulling some hair that was hanging in front of my face behind my ear.

"If i could choose, i'd be out on a club right now being served ice cold beer, or i could just leave but that would made me look like an ass" he grinned making my stomach flutter. Why was he sooo attractive? It was like he had this kind of effect on me, it was scary.

"Why'd you host this party then?" I frowned my eyebrows looking at him. I felt like chuckle but i didn't. "It was my assistant's idea, i just said yes because its free promoting" he then drank the rest of the Champagne. Oh wow, cocky much? "I couldn't care less about your school" he looked at the glass and frowned his eyebrows before scoffing. I guess the answer to that is yep. I looked at him some kind of shocked. "I need something stronger" he then looked at me with a stern face.

"Sweetie it looks like you could need a drink, don't dare leave before i get back" he smirked before leaving me confused, shocked, nervous....and even a little bit excited.

I feel like it sucks already.... Hope u all have a good summer bc i dont. Our car got smashed and robbed... They took my nutella - MY BIG SIZE NUTELLA. I cri.


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