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SRSLY IM DYING. Skdjejskkw

"Uhm Mr.Styles i cant drink, I'm underage..?" I said a little confused remembering how clear he was earlier that students underage was not allowed to drink alchohol. He rolled his eyes before giving me the glass. "Who cares?" He spat and i gulped nervous. What the heck was wrong with him? First he talks like he's this kind man and then he's really a jerk.

"You're not allowed to give people under 18 alcohol" i protested. It was strict rule which i myself liked to follow. I put down the glass and picked up my phone wondering why he was still sitting here. I went to my snapchat and the snap mark was yellow which meant someone wanted to add me. I pushed the button and found the name Dragonlover123. I saw that this person already sent me a snap so i added him. I went back to my feed and opend it.
None other than Arnold's face popped up and i sighed. Hearing a slight chuckle i looked up at Mr.Styles to see him watching me with a grin.

"That's your boyfriend there?" He asks raising his eyebrows. "Arnold? No gosh..." I sighed before closing the app and pulling my phone down in my purse. He just sat there. With his leg over the other while holding his glass now full of whisky or whatever it was. Didn't he get that it was uncomfortable?

"Gentlemen its time to find a lady for the evenings dance" The man named Stan cheered in the microphone making my eyes go wide. Dance? What the hell was this shi.t? I looked around me, some students laughing but already nearly everyone were on the dancefloor with a partner. Even Rosie and Emily. Mr.Styles just sat here and i needed to get away. I was just about to wave to my 'friends' over here but then someone blocked the view. Arnold.

(A/N omg the song just makes this part skjsifiek)

"Hey lovely, wanna dance?" He grinned reaching for my hand. Oh gosh please no. Somebody save me from this situation. I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "Eh-" "Sorry mate, she's gonna dance with me" i heard a husky voice say. Mr.Styles. Oh my gosh.
My eyes widened and i felt myself become more nervous for every minute.
"Oh that's a bummer, well next time maybe" he gave me a weak smile before walking away. Geez i actually felt bad for this guy. I turned towards Mr.Styles who held out his hand, giving me a soft smile. I guess i didnt have another choice so i took it. I felt my body tingle as my fingertips touched his. "Dont be shy darling" he smiled pulling me out to the floor. Everybody looked at us. The girls gasped over seing me with this man they were head over heels in love with. I liked it. Feeling them watch us while dying of jealousy.

He put his hand on my waist and his other hand took mine. I didnt even know how to dance! I looked at the floor giggling nervous. "I-i dont really know how to d-do this" i stuttered. God i was an idiot. "Hey" he let go of my hand and suddenly he liftet my chin up making my blue eyes meet his green ones. They were so beautiful. He looked so powerful. I felt like all of my energy just disappeared, my knees got week.
"Just follow me leads" he smiled before we begin moving around on the floor. He then spun me around and did something making me fall backwards in his strong arms. I gasped thinking i was gonna fall. He looked me into the eyes and smirked with a little chuckle. "I got you darling"

This was all too much. He pulled me in, my back against him wrapping his arms around me and the spun me out again. People were looking at us and i loved it. It was scary of much control he had over me. He knew what he was doing and i nailed it. It was so freaking attractive. My heart ached just by the thought of him having a wife or girlfriend, he probably even had children. Most of the people have at this age. He was some years older than me but it wasnt that bad.

He pulled me close to him again and placed my head on his shoulders. This was so freaking hot! My breath became heavier and i think he noticed because he chuckled and said "Oh darling".
The song suddenly ended and i wanted to cry and make them play it again. He bowed before taking my hand, kissing the top of it. My cheeks burned and i felt like me knees were gonna fail.
"Thank you for the dance Ms.Greasily" he smirked before walking away. He had a proud look on his face, like he knew what he was doing. 

I just stood there on the dancefloor looking like an idiot while the other students begin jumping to the party music. I felt.. different. It was like he changed for a while. He quit the cocky part and were the gentleman girls dream of. Girls came over to me asking me how it all happend, telling me that i should be thankful for what just happend. Hah, you cant stop bitching to me can you?

Mr.Styles disappeared for the rest of the night and i felt my heart sink at the thought of that he may had leaved. What if i wouldn't see him again? It was weird but i felt sick at the thought.
He had so much effect on me, i loved it.

I wanted more. More of him.


Who doesn't want more of him? Gaaaaah i feel like i suck at these stories but i just come up with a lot of things and i just wanna share it hahaha. If you're reading, you deserve a cookie xx

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