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Song: Sweet Ophelia - Zella Day

My body was shivering as i entered the bathroom. My whole body filled up with different emotions. I felt sick and i really just wanted to blame it on that and stay home for the rest of the day, but then someone else would get my place in school. The whole house was quiet, i hated it. I looked into the mirror and wanted to cry. What people would i meet today, what would they think of me? I was terrified...

After putting on some clothes and applying some makeup i went downstairs to make myself some food for the lunch. I put my phone in the charger but it suddenly lit up. Harry Styles it said. I sighed before pressing my code on the phone, allowing me to get into my iPhone.

From: Harry Styles

"I'll be by your house in 20 minutes. H x"

To: Harry Styles


I wasnt sure if it was too rude of me but i didnt really care, he was a douche anyways and a douche deserves what a douche deserve. I put my food in my back pack and grabbed an apple just to get something for the breakfast. I sat down on one of the chairs making myself ready to see Harry again. As much as i hated that i needed to see him I couldn't help but feel a little tingle in the bottom of my stomach. Not like that was going to change anything anyways. I went back into the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth. I heard an engine of a car outside, he was here...I ran downstairs and grabbed my backpack, not wanting to be late. We all knew that he wasn't the most patient man.

The cold hit me like a truck making me shiver. It was dark like the night outside and not a sound other than his car was making a single noise. His head focused on the opposite side of me but as i neared the car his face snapped in my direction. He looked so good, so damn good. He got out of the car before running over to my side before before opening the door. As i was about to get in he took my arm and slammed me against the car. I gasped. His hands had a tight grip around my arms. He had all the control, again. "I won't allow you to be mad at me" he said serious. His face was so close that i could feel his breath stroking my cheeks. "asshole" i slipped. I couldn't hold it inside of me anymore. Anger boiled inside of me like never before and i really wanted to slap him. And thats what i did. My hand went up to his face and a loud sound was made when my hand came in contact with his cheek. I closed my eyes waiting for him to yell at me, but chuckles escaped his mouth.

"April, April, April... what are we gonna do with you?

"Im freezing let me in the car" i spat annoyed, my eyes focusing on the ground. His arms were folded over his black thick coat, his long hair falling down on his shoulders."Feisty little thing aren't you?" he said letting out a sigh before returning to his seat. I closed the door and placed my bag between my legs. "Let me put that in the back" he took my bag and placed it in the backseat. "Hows the nerves?" he asked starting to drive. "Okay" he had a tight grip on the steering wheel, making his veins pop out of his arms. "So you're the only one of your friends in this school?" he looked at me. I nodded. "Yes..." i sighed. All of my friends where going to the high school nearest home. They unfortunately not didnt offer subjects in art. Rosie was planning on becoming an psychologist and Emily's dream was becoming a surgeon, well she decided that after 7 seasons of Grey's Anatomy..

"So whats your plan?" i shrugged. What exactly was my plan? I knew what i wanted but was i ever going to succeed? I knew people who weren't aware of what they even wanted to become. But i wasnt one of those. Not that its wrong to not know yet, but i have a plan. The question is, will i succeed?

"I want to become a stylist" i said confident. As i prepared myself for him to laugh, not even a single chuckle escaped his mouth. "Hmm..Interesting" i looked at him. "You're not gonna laugh?" he furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would i laugh?" his hand pushing his curls back. "Because you're a eco, you dont just know what success are, you are success. My teacher told me that it is a wasted profession" Now he chuckled. "Then my dear, i have to say that your teacher is completely wrong. Its important to do something that you like. Success is something you can reach in loads of ways. If you want to become a stylist then its a stylist you're going to be." I couldn't help but smile a little to myself. "You know, i've always wanted to become famous, getting known for my work. Starting to work with models, artists and start to learn others" he nodded. "These dreams isn't impossible April, if you want it enough and work hard for it, you'll get surprised." he turned against me giving me a smile.

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