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I know I've said something along these lines before, but my updates will probably be sporadic for a while. I have a lot going on right now, and the stress is starting to really get to me. I haven't even started my science fair project, and the final thing is due in less than a week. I am currently in week 1 of 2 of testing. I also have a lot of homework. I'm sorta that one person who connects a bunch of friend groups together and one person from each of the two of those friend groups sorta hates the other and thinks the other is a really terrible person, so I've got friend drama added on to that. I also have to write a 5 minute skit and perform it with 2 other people in front of my lit class, and I've got really bad anxiety, so... I've also been feeling really depressed. So I'm sorry if it takes like a month to update, I'm just really out of it right now.

Anyone who actually bothers to read my stories, thank you do much, and I'm sorry about sporadic updating. Please bare with me! (I still don't know if it'd be 'bare' or 'bear'!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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