Chapter 3

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He was angrier than ever. He looked the exact same as he did 10 years ago, when he left. Zeref. My older brother came back .

"Zeref! Leave at once. This is a mission between the Magic Council and these two children. You have no business here. Leave, before I make you." The man said.

"Z-z-zere-ef..." I stuttered. How could he be here? He's dead! At least, that's what I assumed. How is he here? How did he get her- "Natsu, you've grown. " he said.

He glared at the man. "Lyon Fullbuster, I suggest you do not make such empty threats. Now, do tell me, are you the one who made my baby brother CRY?!!!"

Lyon had fear clouding his eyes. Tears were still flooding down my cheeks. My knees buckled. Zeref was absolutely seething, because I was crying.

"Ice Make: Water serpent!" Lyon yelled out. Seconds before the attack hit him, Zeref attacked Lyon. Lyon was venerable right now, so he was taken down with ease.

Zeref walked over to me, crouching down so he was level with me ad well. He wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed. I nuzzle my face into his shoulder, taking in everything about him.

About 10 minutes later, when my tears had run out, Zeref unwrapped his arms and helped me up. I was still vulnerable, so he made sure my cloak and hood were on. We ran back to the battle, and saw Lucy struggling to fend them all off.

Zeref hid me in a nearby bush, and he stepped beside my sister. As I watched them, some straggling tears still slipping down my face, I saw Lucy calmly greet him. Maybe she knew all along.

With Zeref and Lucy side by side, there was no way we would lose. I covered my eyes as they started fighting, not wishing to see innocent people just following orders getting hurt.


As I sat, my bum sore, my eyes kept flitting closed , then snapping open again. My two siblings were still fighting, and I simply was of no use right now.

My eyes shut once more, when I heard a rustling behind me. Before I could register anything around me, I felt a very heavy , hard object hit my left temple.

My vision faded to black. My senses gave out on me. I was curled into a ball, on the verge of blacking out. As I was delivered a second blow to the same temple, I slipped out of consciousness, losing my grip on reality .

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